I'm slowly starting to get back into Newgrounds after a long hiatus, I'm still mainly on DeviantArt, Xbox Live & PSN under TheCrimsonEmo but I haven't abandoned this account and will still drop by from time to time until I actually start making animation.

The Crimson Emo @AshtonNextGen

Age 36, Male

Artist/Photograph er

Amnihama College

Dobuita, Yokosuka

Joined on 6/25/06

Exp Points:
11,890 / 12,090
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.46 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

AshtonNextGen's News

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 24th, 2014

If you're interested in my work feel free to visit my DeviantArt (thecrimsonemo.deviantart.com) or YouTube channel (youtube.com/user/samthompsonX)
I'm more active on those two sites and occasionally post new artwork, photography, short stories, blogs and videos.

Currently I'm working on several large projects:

Sonic Adventure Minecraft

Shenmue Minecraft

Minecraft World

SegaSonic ArcadeCraft

Sonic 1 Minecraft

Animal Crossing Minecraft

Shenmue 3: The Complete Saga

Katherine and Hippoloid

Some of these projects I've been working on tirelessly for years now and won't be finished anytime soon, but there are early build beta's of the projects you can download for free from my DeviantArt page regardless.

But anyway, thank you for reading this and if you're interested, here are some other websites you can find me on.

<b>Xbox Gamertag</b> - The Crimson Emo
<b>PSN Gamertag</b> - TheCrimsonEmo
<b>3DS Friend Code</b> - 4639-8966-3635
http://thecrimsonemo.deviantart.com/ (DeviantArt)
http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompsonX (Youtube)
http://thecrimsonemo.tumblr.com/ (Tumblr)
https://twitter.com/TheCrimsonEmo (Twitter)
https://inkbunny.net/TheCrimsonEmo (InkBunny)
http://ashtonnextgen.newgrounds.com/ (Newgrounds)
https://plus.google.com/u/0/101658437904232476117 (Google+)
http://www.pinterest.com/TheCrimsonEmo/ (Pinterest)
http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/TheCrimsonEmo (stumbleupon)
http://en.gravatar.com/thecrimsonemo (Gravatar)


Posted by AshtonNextGen - November 13th, 2009

I don't use Newgrounds as much as I used to anymore, I still have plans to come back in the future and become a really great flash animator but for now I'm focusing more time on my Deviantart and Myspace page. you can still catch me sometimes in the video game forums but apart from that I'll hardly be around.
Take Care!

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
Xbox Gamertag: The Crimson Emo

Sorry Im not on Newgrounds as much anymore

Posted by AshtonNextGen - August 18th, 2009

(Sorry I haven't gotten around to spell checking this yet, It was 5am when I wrote this.)
-Note: If you don't like Sonic then DON'T BOTHER READING THIS, You'll only be wasting your own time!-

My friend on deviantart recently brought this article to my attention sega-impossible-to-please-all-sonic-fa ns-with-one-sonic-game
It's an interview with Sega of America's vice president, discussing the future of sonic games and how they intend to deal with all their audiences.

While I admit, im finally glad they acknowledge theres a problem I really don't like Sega's attitude towards their audience.
I'm especially sickened by their plans to completely ignore us loyal dedicated fans now entirely in favour of the new generation (the 4kids generation).
I really don't know how anyone can be ok with this but this article only confirms my fears that Sega of America's arrogant attitude towards the franchise delivers them a deaf ear from the fact most of their audience all hate the new Sonic games and are losing interest by the minute.
in this prticular quote:
"I'd argue that we very much achieved that with products like Sonic Heroes on PS2, and I think we did that with Mario and Sonic 1 on Wii and DS. I think we did it some ways with Sonic and the Secret Rings on Wii."
This shows that dispite their unpopularity amongst fans, Sega only pays attention to the sales, not the sorrows.

I will say that this article is accurate in it's main point, and I myself have been saying this for years "It's impossible to appeal to every single sonic fan as every individual one has their own opinion in what makes a sonic game great." And yes, there is just no way of pleasing them all and every sonic game they make, people will always find something to complain about, but it seems to me now they're just giving up on the 'older audience' to focus all their attention solely on the new audience.
It's like those banking commercials where they only advertise the best deals to attract new customers and to hell with whoever the fucks been loyal to us from the begining of the company! We wanna make big bucks and thats all! It almost very makes me want to drop out and leave Sonic for good, face it, it's never gonna get any better, they even thought sonic 2006 sold well!?

I must admit he did go on near the end of the journal to meantion that he would appeal to the dedicated fans "Hayes and the rest of Sega want to make the old-time Sonic fans happy. They just need those fans to not expect their Sonic in every Sonic game."

But as I read on it seems to me that they plan on making NEW sonic games to appeal to the new generation and just simply rebrand old ports onto newer consoles to appeal to the nostagic fans, I'm really untrusting of this Hayes person, it really makes me wonder just what kind of people are running sega here.

Yeah they are right, you can't appeal to every single sonic fan all in one game as everyone has their own unique views on what makes a sonic game perfect but this article really doesn't comfort my fears of sonics demise, rather confirms it... =(

So in a nutshell folks? Don't expect your amazingly perfect new Sonic Adventure game or lush three dimentional rebrand of the old classics, do expect more Sonic and Mario olympic crossovers, new untested gimmicks and heaps more new Sonic characters to make those gimmicks all the worthwile, and also to appeal to the loyal dedicated sonic fan, tons more Sega Genesis ports on every new console just to show that they're thinking about your needs too! :) How lucky we all are to have followed Sonic this long down the road, eh?

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)

Is it really the end of Sonic or a new beginning

Posted by AshtonNextGen - January 16th, 2009

where I was THE real Spider-man, and by day Peter Parker, a foreign exchange student from England living in New York, only I had to constantly save the city from crime, and it was proving to be so stressful constantly battling criminals, even Peter Parker doesn't get any respect, how he puts up with the stress I'll never know!

But my Nan (who was Aunt May) wanted to Move back to England and I wanted to go with her, only even with both all our money combined, the travel salesman would only arrange for us to move to Wales, which was a huge disappointment as we couldn't afford to go back to Devon, but this was the cloest we could get to leaving New York and going back to England, so we both agreed this would be a temperary move and we would eventually move back to Devon.
Man I couldn't wait to see the back of this place but I had one last errand to run before I was granted a leave, running across town stopping this chinese gang from burning down this apartment building just to get the chance to meet me, I was so exhausted from being the superhero all the time and was ready to throw in my towel but as this was one last errand I was determined to see it though and went to the burning building to fight this gang of chinese pirates, except I was so tired I could only just manage to defeat them, despite them being complete amateurs, and then the leader came out dressed in American Apparel stockings and a tattered tank top and pulled a shotgun to my head! ...*there was a long pause* then Bang! Turns out it was just a novelty camera, apparently he was just a big crazed Spider-man fan and staged this fight as a chance to meet me, I thought fuck this and just left!

Only problem was I was missing my train to the airport and had to rush to the station as fast I can, I was so exhasted but the train had just left so I had to make sure no one was looking before I (web zipped) after it, trailing behind until I could get on at the next stop to meet Aunt May with the luggage. While there, I opened up to her and confessed my identity as Spider-man, she laughed at me at first but when I showed her a web trick she soon pieced everything together, why I was always late everywhere, not being around for Uncle Ben, saving her from Otto Octavius, then we had an emotional heart to heart.

The only thing was, in my absence, The Venom started to terrorise New york, spray painting entire buildings black, harassing girls in the streets, molesting these 'french circus doll women' who were camping out in the park, and just doing everything he can to get my attention in order to challenge me to a showdown, not realising I had just left New york for Good!
I really wasn't looking forward to moving to Wales, I don't really get their accents and I'm not a countryside person, I just wouldn't fit in and personally it felt like I was moving in the opposite direction in life, but it was the cloest thing I could get to England and both me and Aunt May were sick of the hectic life of New York so it was Bon Voyage, unfortunatly as soon as I got on the plane this police officer raced after me to give the air hostess an envelope adressed to me, it was a letter from the chief inspector telling me The Venom was terrorising New York and wanted to challenge me to a showdown!

Man I was so sick of all this superhero stuff and he was the Last person I wanted to see right now, I mean the city's always gonna need protecting right, and if it's not from Venom it'll only be from someone else! What should I do? Get off the plane and leave Aunt May to fly alone, despite me putting all my money into this very journey or ignore the city's plea for help and go live an ordinary student life in Wales?

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)

Man I just had the strangest Dream

Posted by AshtonNextGen - January 5th, 2009

I've now given up any hope of landing a decent job this year after painful months of searching so This week Im travelling back to Birmingham and am gonna just whore myself out to any job I can get, Boots, Tescos, Argos, whatever.
The UK's not like America, education means nothing to the working world, you just gotta land a job wherever you can get it, It's all first come first serve in this country and I'm learning that the hard way. (all those years wasted in College all for nothing...)
Whatever, I don't really care that much what I do, as long as I can keep designing games and animations in my spare time I'm happy anywhere. Hopefully In the future I wanna really build up an impressive portfolio of successful flash games and animations and take online career courses whch would open doors and land me roles with bigger, successful companies. I mean who wants to work in retail all their life huh? The worst thing about any job is dealing with customers who just know they can walk all over you! >=/
But whatever I'm past that now, I'm still uptating My Flash Projects list every month and adding new planned projects to the list all the time, I really can't tell what I'll bring to Newgrounds first because whenever I'm working though a project, I get sidetracked and come up with a new one entirely!
I'm hoping though, my MUSEUM OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (or THE SONIC MUSEUM) will be my first small project to be completed, which is an entire interactive museum of Sonic's history from 1990-2008 day, containing trailers and regional exclusive commercials as well, but I'm still working hard on my more major titles, Sonic Gotham Racing (which is an entire recreation of Project Gotham Racing 2-4), Halo: Live and Reloaded (which is an entire Conker remake of the Halo trilogy) and Mario Crashers (A Mario remake of NG's very own Castle Crashers).
Again, these are all side projects for me which will all eventually build up towards my main gaming franchise, Katherine & Hippoloid, which I hope one day to gain the licensing to make for consoles.
Who know's where the future will take us?

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)

/* */
(Also I forgot to mention, I am now working on two other major projects as well, An entire recreation of Sonic Adventure 2 where the roles of the Heroes and Villains are reversed, meaning Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are the villains and Shadow, Rouge, Dr. Eggman and Omega are the heroes and my more promising project, An entire recreation of Sonic Heroes only portraid through the roles of the cast of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Heroes! I'll reveal the entire cast on my flash projects list, not here)

Updates for 2009

Posted by AshtonNextGen - December 31st, 2008

I've had enough of Birmingham, its doing nothing for me, It's hard to find work without being harrassed by perverts, mugged by homeless, conned or threatened by corrupt train ticket inspectors, this just isn't gonna work out the way I'd hoped.
So I wanna try and move down to Exeter instead, my main gaming franchise which I hope to bring to Newgrounds somwhere in the late future, Katherine & Hippoloid is set in Exeter so it would be a really good experience for me living there.
Who knows where life will take you or what it will bring, all we can hope for in 2009 is the best so Happy New Year's eve, lets hope the new year will be even better than the one just passing!

I've decided to try and move back to Exeter

Posted by AshtonNextGen - December 8th, 2008

And to make things fun I am going to be giving away free Xbox live gold 3 week and 48 hour trials codes on Christmas day in the BBS forums!
Just look for one of my Posts on the 25th of December, I'll be posting 3, one in the Morning, one in the Afternoon and the final one in the Evening and if your the first one to log in and get the code you'll be upgraded to Xbox Live Gold for either 48 hours or so on, depending on the code.
Of course if there are rules about doing this kind of thing in the BBS then tell me now and I'll withdraw this offer!
I'll also be doing this in my xbox friends list so if your still interested, Add me -The Crimson Emo- and who knows, your inbox might just make your Christmas a little bit more merrier! =P


P.S. I'm also now working on the Ultimate Sonic Database containing all of Sonic's History and a personal fully established review on every single sonic game and port known to man.
Also I may not do this offer above if it breaks the BBS rules so don't be upset if you didn't get any free codes!

It's Christmas in 2 weeks!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - November 24th, 2008

I'm now moving my flash projects list to my own blogspace now as Im sure you'll all getting sick of seeing it, I'll post the link up here later.
But now I've teamed up with Andrew Ponton (Eternal Magick) to bring you an epic new RPG action adventure, called Eternal Eclipse, and its going to be huge!
It's about a young boy called Andrew and his cousin Bren who's home village of Tirato is wiped out by dark forces of the mysterious Shadow Creatures commanded by the dark prince known only as Black Omen, He's trying to recover the legendary 'Pollen of Damnation' which is foretold to contain the very powerful essence that could awaken ones true inner darkness or inner light.
Now its up to Andrew and his new friends to join together on a quest to prevent Black Omen and his army of Shadow Creatures from bringing the entire world into everlasting darkness!

(I'll post up pictures here when they're ready, the main cast and plotline belong to Andrew but the shadow creatures and game script are mine! I'll also be making a promotional poster soon!) =)

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)

(Pic below - concept art of the shadow knights & shadow bishop)

Working on a collab RPG - Eternal Eclipse

Posted by AshtonNextGen - September 5th, 2008

Since most of my posts are beginning to become unrelated to my purpose on NG I've decided that from now on I'm gonna base all of my future posts on news and info relating to the progress with my own personal flash projects, starting with the new updated list of every single flash I plan to create for newgrounds!
This should at least give you a clear vision of whats to be expected from me in the future when I become more confident with Flash.
(you should note that these arn't exactly in any particular order and I may attempt some futher down the list before others, also some of these are just working titles and may not actually see the light of day.)
- I'll constantly update whenever more projects arise, and they will! -

1. Egg-Pawn attacks - My first test project, was originally just an animation test but became a short fun game instead. =)
2. Ryan Drummond Tribute - A small voice over tribute made bidding Ryan Drummond best of luck in the future, unfortunatly the original file got corrupted while adding the finishing touches so this never got completed.
3. Viva Pinata counter - Just a small flash application for my myspace page, it tells you the current time and date and is updated with a new message every now and again.
4. BTEC Crisis - A huge Side scrolling beat-em-up adventure game set in Gloucester City, 4 different video game dictators (M. Bison, Dr. Eggman, Psycrow and Untitled - my character) have all invaded the real world and have brought their armies with them, coincidently all planning to take over Gloucestershire at the very same time, you play a college student who on his way to College in the morning gets caught up in this chaos and has to fight to claim back the town!
5. Sonic Flash - Inspired by Sonic CD and Sonic Advance, this is a huge sonic platform game where you get to choose from almost any character from the franchise you can think of as they travel across new worlds in a quest to stop Dr. Eggmans newest diabolical plot. The games stages are completely designed by me from the ground up and as well as tons of familiar faces, old and new making a cameo appearance, this game also contains a number of fun mini games as well. =)
6. Sonic Mellow Islands - Newgrounds first fully 3D free roaming experience! Inspired by Sonic Jam's, Sonic World stage, I wanted to create my very own 3D enviroment that you can explore in your own free will, there are no missions here, or battles to be fought, just kick back and relax or take part in the many fun challanges set around the island! What makes this game so unique is that it also contains a fully featured day to night cycle so as you play, day becomes night, which eventually turns back to dusk. A true experience never been seen before on Newgrounds.
(I should also point out that it was originally going to be named Sonic Techno islands but I decided to create a more mellow enviroment for a change, after all even Sonic deserves a break every now and again!)
7. Sonic Mellow Islands 2 - The sequal to Sonic Mellow Islands, this will be a lot bigger and better in every single way as instead of a small sonic themes island, you get to explore and entire functioning city, very similar to Station Square called Gigapolis Station, from there you can explore 3 entire fully next gen 3 Dimentional stages, Fluster Peak Valley, Mitac Marble Mountain and Isle Florifornia Bay.
You won't believe anything this eye gougingly good is even capible in Flash! A constant Visual treat to all Newgrounders!
8. Sonic Mellow Islands 3: Dobuita - Improving ever more from the sequal, this time Sonic gets to explore the entire functioning city of Yokosuka, based from the epic Sega Dreamcast roleplaying game Shenmue, I gave up my Art GCSE's just so I could spend time fully recreating and redesigning the map layout. This isn't just a video game anymore, ...this is another world!
9. Sonic Mellow Islands 4: Exmouth - The final and most expanded ever version of Sonic Mellow Islands, only now this time instead of recreating a fictional city, I've fully remapped out the real location of Exmouth, the entire town, fully explorable though the eyes of Sonic the hedgehog. If you wasn't impressed before you will be now, as unlike the previous installments not only does this version include real time weather effects on a day to night cycle basis but also this town is entirely populated by its inhabitants, making this world as authentically real as ever possible in any flash game. We're now past creating another world in Flash, this is the cloest thing you'll ever get to finding the Real World infront of your very eyes!
10. Jane Oakley's: Mini Racers - Inspired by South Park Rally, this is a hilarious and wacky 3D kart racing game starring my own cast of funny characters I invented at school, based on my own experiences. Jane Oakley's Mini Racers lets you chose from a huge cast of wacky characters as you race from a number of different or familiar locations from around the world in battle for the Gold Trophy! "Ever' Thin' From China!" - (Quote by Jane Oakley herself)
11. Jane Oakley's: Martian Madness - A spoof platform game starring both everyones two favorite middle age Chinese ladies, Jane Oakley and Guixang Harris. Little Martian invaders have landed on earth and its up to Jane and Guixang to send them back! Using both their unique and wacky abilities, you get to travel from a number of different stages set all over the world and must battle the martians in their wacky discuises! =P
12. Street Gang Survival - Inspired by the violent Isometric arcade rollerball game, SegaSonic Arcade, you get to play as 4 teenage petty thugs who gets dumped on an uncharted tropical island by the Military because local prison cells have become so ridiculously overcrowded in a world corrupted by crime.
Little did the Military actually know, is that this island is actually Untitled's secret, highly booby trapped base of operations and as these four boys are about to find out, he doesn't enjoy entertaining visitors one bit! As you progress from stage to stage, it is your job to keep your character alive at all costs while you must avoid deadly traps, outrun giant boulders, tidal waves or Hurricanes! It should also be noted this game can be played with up to 4 people simultaniously.
13. Eggman's Shooting Range - This is set to be the world most hilarious target range shooting game, staged in the Final Egg shooting gallery from Sonic Adventure, Dr. Eggman has decided his E-100 series robots are in need of target practice. As one of these robots it is your job to shoot down all as many target dolls as you can in a competition to see who can gain the highest score and gain the Doctor's respect, ...the only twist is Eggmans completely lost all sence of his mind and is going absolutely bonkers in the background, dressing up in ravishing number of bizzare costumes, singing familier TV show comercial tunes or performing rememberable sketches, you have to do your best to not get distracted by Eggmans taunts and shoot the moving targets! If you hit Eggman even once in his subconcious state your out of the game. But surely just to hear him scream at the bullet wound enough is worth the admission! XD This game can be played by up to 4 players.
14. Eggman's Shooting Range 2 - The sequal to Eggman's Shooting Range is 3x Bigger than before and 10x funnier! From now, you get to choose from a number of Eggman's different robots, not just limited from the E-series cast, and you get to choose from 3 different themed stages, completing each stage on each difficulty will unlock hidden playable characters, stages and even hilarious secret animated shorts such as Dr. 'Robotnik's Mother' forcing him to marry her or Sonic and Eggman's private imtimate moment, again interruted by his psyco mother! You wont see anything so outragious like this before and to ensure of that, I spent 2 years alone on the obsene amount of material! Guarenteed to have you collapsing on the floor with laughter everytime! =P
15. Shadow the Hedgehog 2: Black Dooms Demise - Platform/Action
16. The Ultimate Super Sonic Quiz - Quiz/Puzzle
17. Ratchet and Clank: Ratchet Rescue - Platform/Action
18. Soccer Dungeons - Top-down Adventure
19. Saints Row: Mob Rule - Top-down Action
20. Titan Anilation (college tank game) - Top-Down Action
21. SegaSonic Arcade Mini - isometric Platform/Action
22. Sonic Drift Flash - 3D kart Racing
23. The Christmas After - Animation
24. Conker Outbound - Top-Down Action/Puzzle
25. Sonic X - Eggman takes control - Animation
26. Sonic and Jesse's High Speed Adventure - Animation (set in Exmouth to Birmingham - song, Get your shine on, Jesse McCartney)
27. Shadow's High Speed Adventure - Animation (set on a fictional highway - song, waking up, shadow the hedgehog)
28. Sonic and Ashton's High Speed Adventure - Animation (set in Cheltenham to Gloucester - song, Make it Hot, VS)
29. Silver's High Speed Adventure - Animation (set in Kindom Valley - song, Dreams of Absolution, Bentley Jones)
30. Saints Row: Sing for a moment - Animation (song of the same name by Eminem)
31. Katherine's High Speed Adventure - Animation (set in Exeter to B.U.M. - song, Real Girl by Mutya Buena)
32. Sonic & Amy's High Speed Adventure - Animation (based on Sonic CD - song, Nasty Girl by Inaya Day)
33. Sonic & Tails High Speed Adventure - Animation (based on Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - song, Blue Jeans by Jayme Ephraim)
34. Sonic in London - Animation (music to destiny child - happy face)
35. Sonic in Birmingham - Animation (music to ne-yo - can we chill)
36. Sonic's Ultimate High Speed Adventure - Animation (a direct animated music video based on Sonic the hedgehog 360/PS3 which features all 3 progressing story modes simultaniously. - song, His World - feature lengh version)
37. Emo Ninja's - Animation
38. DeadLine - Side Scrolling Survial Horror
39. Sonic and Shadow Chronicles - Co-op Platform/Action
40. Animal Crossing World: Tourist Exploration - Top/Down Free Roaming experience
41. Crazy frog Vs Yoshi - Animation
42. Eggman Vs Hank hill - Animation
43. Skater Vs Emo - Animation
44. Skater Vs Emo - the fridge - Animation
45. Ristar in Shenmue - Top Down RPG
46. Sex Drive - Erotic Touch Screen Action Game
47. Emo madness - animation
48. Who needs the Halo Rings? - Animation
(scene from halo 3 where Prophet of truth attempts to activate halo, only he is apu singing who needs the quik-e-mart)
49. Family Guy: Toontown - Animation
50. Roxas - She's no you - Animation
(Remake the Jesse McCartney music video but as Roxas and KH characters set in traverse town, only at the end have axel sneak up behind Roxas, wrap his arms around him from behind then they kiss)
51. Viva Piñata - word up - animation
(remake of the Mel.B music video but starring professor pester and his ruffians)
52. Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: Origins of Roxas
53. The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: Mothers Day - Animation
54. Mr Beans Pet Problems - Animation
55. The Matrix Chronicles: The Story of James and Nathan - Animation
56. Sonic the Hedgehog and the Floating Island - Animation
57. The Getaway: Chaos Control - Animation
58. Sam Thompsons Rape Crisis - Animation
59. Conker's Comics: Grim Salvation - Animation
60. Conker's Comics: Acorn of the Dead - Animation (Conker remake of Land of the Dead)
61. Rise of the Hedgehogs (incomplete project)(?) - Animation
62. Sonic the Hedgehog and the Chaos Emeralds (?)- Animation
63. The Simpsons Comics: The Simpsons go to Japan - Animation
64. Totally Rad' Dudes series - Animation
65. Katherine and Sakura series - Animation
66. South Park Comic Book series - Animation
67. Katherine and Hippoloid - Platform/Action
68. Assassin Anillation - Shooting/Drving
69. Debug Rally - Racing
70. Katherine and Hippoloid 2 - Platform/Action
71. Katherine and Hippoloid: smash impact - Beat-em-up
72. Katherine and Hippoloid: off control (BMX) - Extreme Sports/Role Playing
73. Katherine and Hippoloid: puzzle stadium - Puzzle
74. Katherine and Hippoloid 3 - Platform/Action
75. Life on Mars - Role Playing
76. Katherine and Hippoloid Rally - Racing
77. The Flying Rabbi - Platform/Action
78. WAR GAME (working title) - 3rd Person Shooter
79. Assassin Anillation 2: project Gloucester - Shooting/Drving
80. Katherine and Hippoloid 4: The Final Chapter - Platform/Action
81. Space Street Racer - Racing
82. Mechanical Intelligence - SandBox
83. Lifetime (working title about to scientists) - Platform/Sandbox
84. Katherine and Hippoloid Deluxe - Platform/Action
85. Origins of Sonic the Hedgehog - Platform/RPG
86. Eggman AMV- I am the Funky Dealer - animation
87. Halo: Live and Reloaded - Conker remake of the entire Halo Trilogy (divide into 3 chapters)
Chapter 1 - (halo 1)
Chapter 2 - (halo 2)
Chapter 3 - (halo 3)
Just for fun, here's the confirmed cast of characters! =)

Master Chief - Conker
Sergeant Avery Johnson - Squirrel Sergent (Avery Johnson)
Cortana - Berri
Captain Keyes - Sky Jockey Squirrel
Commander Miranda Keyes - Rodent (obviously alter the script so he remains male)
Lord Hood - Long Ranger
UNSC Marine Corps - Grunt Squirrel, Demolisher, Thermophile, Sneeker female (new war)
The Arbiter - Sky Jockey Tediz (old war)
Elite Shipmaster Rtas 'Vadum (Half-Jaw) - Long Ranger Tediz edit
Elites - Long Ranger Tediz
Elites Royal Guards - Weasle Panther King Guards
Tarturus - Demolisher Tediz (future)
Brutes - Demolisher Tediz (old but in future clothing)
Hunters - Boss Tediz (CBFD war stage)
Jackals - Sneeker Tediz and Sniper Jackals are Thermophile
Grunts - Grunt Tediz
Drones - Wasps (originally going to be Bats as P.O.Mercy was orginally going to be Count Conkula)
High Prophet of Truth - Ze Professor, Von Kriplespac
Prophet of Regret - Don Weezo
Prophet of Mercy - Panther King (script change so that Mercy outranks Truth until killed later on)
Heretic Leader Sesa 'Refumee - Sky Jocky Tediz (future war)
Sentinels - Exploding Spiders (script change so they can't fly around, only crawl)
343 Guilty Spark - Gregg the Grim Reaper (obviously a complete script change in G.S's personallity)
Flood Infection (small sentinals) - Sweetcorn (they get inside your mouth and make you shit to death)
The Gravemind - The Great Mighty Poo (perfect cast for the role of the Gravemind!)
Human flood - Poo covered Squirrel zombie
Elite flood - Poo covered Long Ranger Tediz zombie
Brute flood - Poo covered Demolisher Tediz zombie
Carrier form - giant poo ball with legs
Pure form Stalker - Poo covered Dinosaurs
Pure form Ranged - Poo covered Rabid Worms (script change so they can't fire long distances)
Pure form Tank - Poo covered Rock/Stone Men
88. Huge Mario platform based of Mario 64/sunshine or galaxy?
89. Mario Crashers - Mario version of Castle Crashers
90. Dawn of the Dead: Alternate (working title, forget dawn of the dead I wanna make my own zombie horror!)
91. Unnamed animated short
92. Sonic Gotham Racing
I won't go into game detail ATM as I'm too busy with the script but here are the confirmed stages and playable racers. I'll be releasing demo's before the games final release)
Amy Rose
Dr. Eggman
Cream + Cheese
Metal Sonic
(The Bonus character shall remain a secret)
London - England
Edinburgh - England
Barcelona - Spain
St. Petersburg - Russia
Moscow - Russia
Florence - Italy
Stockholm - Sweden
Nurburgring - Germany
Tokyo - Japan
Yokohama - Japan
Macau - China
Shanghai - China
Hong Kong - China
Quebec - Canada
Sydney - Australia
New York - America
Las Vegas - America
Chicago - America
Washington, D.C. - America
(The hidden stage I shall also keep secret for now - It's fun to have secrets.) =)
Until I type up a full game description what I will release about the game is there will be confirmed Arcade and Championship game modes, each city will have 3 areas to explore, each area with a unique time of day and weather setting. There will be hundreds of unique pedestrians in the game to interact with, There is a full in-game jukebox I have created but if this dramatically increases the game's file size and loading speed I will remove it for Newgrounds and keep a uniqe copy of the game with the added jukebox to myself.
There will be no Kudos earning system up to this point in time as this will be a side-scrolling racing game, but to make up for it there will be plenty of unlockables and hidden extras such as a free-roaming mode and character bio's.
In arcade mode each character will have 5 unique challanges to complete, unlocking more characters will unlock more challanges to complete.
Championship mode will be made up of 4 seasons, each season having 4 championshop cups and 1 major tournament, each championship will be set in one unique city and contain 3-6 races, dependind on the set difficulty. There will also be a new Character Challenge mode where you can compete with certain A.I. characters one on one to unlock them as fully playable in the game.
Also included will be a customizable time attack mode, custom match street races and eliminator and an uncomfirmed Multiplayer mode for two people to go head to head.
(An online game mode hasn't been established as of now but in the future it may become possible.)
93. Who Framed Dr. Robotnik ep.1 Cookie - A short animated AOSTH series based off the wacky cartoon antics of Roger Rabbit, starring Dr. Robotnik, his mother and the baby version of Sonic from the episode "Musta been a beautiful baby".
In this pilot episode, Mamma Robotnik orders her son to babysit baby Sonic while she takes a trip to the nail parlour, only Sonic has his eyes on the cookie jar above the fridge and even Robotnik can't keep his eyes on that speedy hedgehog for more than one minute!
94. Who Framed Dr. Robotnik ep.2 Surgery - When Robotnik is set down to babysit baby Sonic again he fails to notice the curious infant swallow Mamma Robotnik's valuble antique pocket watch, In a panik Robotnik rushes baby Sonic to the Hospital to get the watch pumped out before his Mamma notices it missing, but what he doesn't notice is that speedy hedgehog getting up to mischief yet again!
95. Who Framed Dr. Robotnik ep.3 Carnival - When Mamma Robotnik takes her two boy's to the fun fair, she decides to leave Robotnik in the care of baby Sonic yet again, but when baby Sonic sets his eyes on the drifting Blue Balloon, he becomes determined to get hold of it, much to poor ol' Robotnik's efforts!
96. Who Framed Dr. Robotnik ep.4 Camping - Mamma Robotnik decides to take her boy's camping, reguardless of the doctors hatred for fresh air and the great outdoors. But when Baby Sonic befriends a family of beavers who take him away, Robotnik must go though the deepest and most dangerous parts of the woods to retrieve him!
(personal self note - on the tree scene where roger rabbit aka Robotnik gets squashed by the giant log 5 times and poses differently, one of those poses being roger rabbit sunbathing with a cocktail instead of being hurt, replace that with robotnik holding a diploma! - A.E. Stegblob refference)
(second note - the final scene where the characters fly into the monuments statue and destory it, replace the presidents heads with Tom Fulp, Wade Fulp, John Baldry and Jareel White. - Robotnik crashes into John Baldry)
97. Who Framed Dr. Robotnik ep.5 Breezy - The final episode of the seires, Robotnik has gotten tickets to see his favorite exotic robot, Breezy perform at the Mobian Bongo nightclub, but can he control his sexual erges infront of her...? (refference to the Mask with Jim Carrey and Cameron Diaz)
98. Sonic in Paignton - (set in Paignton, Devon - song: Feel so Good, Jamique)
99. Katherines High Speed Adventure 2 - (song: Love Again - Rush Hour 2)
100. Assasin Analiation AMV
101. Sonic's Time Travel Adventure - (Song: What are we doing, Omarion)
102. Sonic & Katherines high speed adventure - (song: mine, mine, mine - Rush hour 2)
Personal note: use robots from sonic heroes, sonic 360 - BTEC Crisis & Assasin anilation 2)
103. Katherine in Birmingham - (song: No man no cry - kelly rowland)
104. The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog - Robotnik's marriage counselling (this was meant to be higher up on the list but I only just realised it was missing. Not that I take it to any offence, the list isn't in any corresponding order anyway.)
105. Topcat and Officer Dibble (queer as folk) short (I've only just realised there are a lot of projects missing from this list, I really need to keep up to date!)
106. E.E. Radio Future
107. Spyro the Dragon: Galaxy of the Time Stars or Universe of the Ryptocs/Rhynocs
108. Crash Banicoot Universe
109. A bugs life: Flik's big world adventure
110. Spider-man: The Green Goblin Returns
111. Tony Hawk's Tour Skater Challenge (working title)
112. DOA Vs Tekken
113. Mortal Kombat Legends
114. The Animatrix Archive #1 - Kid's Story (about a kid living in the matrix)
115. The Animatrix Archive #2 - The Last Renaissance (about a soldier stationed in a war against he machines)
116. The Animatrix Archive #3 - Beyond (about a girl in the matrixwho visit's a house corrupted by glitches)
117. Terminator: The Bill Anderson Story (story based on Terminator 3 of the young boy the Terminatrix tried to kill)
118. Totally Spies - the ultimate weapon (working title)
119. Chao World (raise your own chao environment)
120. Pokemon world cup racing
121. Mario Kart Ultra Deluxe (working title)
122. Halloween Steg2.0. - A halloween short based on the halloween film/scene from heroes with claire & sylar. with the halloween film tune in the background a schoolgirl is in the house all alone and hears a sinister bumb downstairs, goes down in the dark kitchen to check it out and creeping up behind her is Big Bird from Seseme st who unleashes a heavy duty SEISURE SHREIK (stegblob has aids)
123. Alan Smith's Jerk-off session
124. Ashton Kutcher & Sean William Scott: Dude, where's my cum/jizz/cock (working title)
125. Jonas Brothers: Big boy's don't cry
126. Eternal Eclipse
127. Celebrity Deathmatch: Newgrounds edition (ep.01-03)
128. Shadow Unleashed (working title)
129. Zombies in the Neighbourhood
130. The life of Eggmans robot (working title)
131. A sonic X remake of AOSTH: full tilt tails
132. Sonic and Mario Crossover Crisis vol 1
133. Sonic and Mario Crossover Crisis vol 2
134. The museum of Sonic the hedgehog (Aka the sonic museum)
135. Halo meets the Teletubbies
136. the great mighty poo in halo 3 (working title)
137. AOSTH shorts collection
138. SatAM - Mamma Robotnik's visit
139. Sonic Adventure 2: Reversed edition (workign title)
140. Kingdom Hearts Heroes
141. Halo AMV - No Scrubs (working title)
142. Rez 2: free your mind
143. Schrodinger in The Bethnal Green Mob series (working title)
144. A day off Halo
145. The tourtoise and the hair (working title)
146. Schrodinger on show (working title?)
147. Itchy and scratchy short - Pain Ills (working title)
148. Kingdom hearts summerland (working title)
149. remake of Ducktales AMV (AOSTH)
150. remake of Tiny Toons AMV (SatAM)
151. remake of Animaniacs AMV (Sonic Underground)
152. remake the freakazoid AMV (AOSTH)
153. remake the mask syndicate AMV (sonic X)
154. Legend of Zelda - A friend like me (remake alladin genie video)
155. Happy Tree friends short - Fingertrap
156. NXE Defenders
157. Amy camacara AMV - Lost in translation
158. Sonic Adventure 2: Kart Racing Tournament
159. Chao Island
160. An eye for an eye
161. The Matrix Chronicles: The Story of Roxas
162. Skins: Freddie's nightmare
163. Deadline 2

More working titles that might never see the light of day

Mecha Madness (?) - This was going to be the practice game I build as a warm up before sonic flash but as I lost the original FLA. file, it seems pointless now? But basically Metal Sonic is on a rampage, travelling across 5 sonic themed stages in an effort to destory all other Eggman's Mech's to prove he is the stongest! You can destory the environment and slaughter helpless animals for additional points as well as fire powerful laser energy from your stomach compartment.
Greggs hacksaw (working title) (?) - Similar to Mecha Madness, I was inspired to give an anti-platformer slash and hack another try. Gregg the Grim Reaper (conkers BFD) is fed up with people trying to cheat death with the magic of catfish so he decided to grab his coat and sickle and slaughter every single catfish that stands in his way! Not that this is a bad idea concept for a flash game, I'm just far too occupied with superiour projects so I might end up discarding this project, though to be honest, this game was destined to be overshallowed by Jane Oakleys: Martian Madness anyway as that game was established from this concept!
Dead Rising Zombies (working title) (?) - I've always been inspired to make a top down dungeons and dragons themed tile based game and I thought involving dead Rising would be a great start, but the idea later span into Saints Row: Mob rule so I don't know if I will attempt this game?
Sonic Vs Reptile (check old notes that pass back from 2004)
Sonic adventure 3 (check old notes that pass back from 2004)
South park game
Kingdom hearts Racing
Ratchet and clank racing game
Conker remake of The Matrix: Path of Neo? I dunno may never happen, I just want something to go with my Conker Halo trilogy remake!)
AMV of sonic and knuckles with maybe will smith: getting jiggy with it? or amv of sonic 1 in sonic CD amv style?

maybe remake the alladin return of jafar music video: your only second rate with homer simpson as genie, bart as abu and mr burns as jafar

dont know if Ill do this one or not but remake the goodness gracious me club nevada video starring mario and luigi?

http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)

(Picture below from the demo trailer version of Sonic & Jesse's High Speed Adventure)

Updated List - All my future flash projects for Newgrounds

Posted by AshtonNextGen - August 29th, 2008

This is just a little short story I came up with when I was sitting next to an old jewish man drinking coffee in soldiers plaza all night waiting for the day to come.

Old man - Oy, its nice isn't it?

Nico - Huh?

Old man - I'm talking about the articulture of this town, take that monument over there, it sure makes you appreatiate the little things doesn't it?

Nico - I wouldn't know...?

Old man - Oy, thats the problem with you kids today, always rushing around, causing trouble. Sometimes you need to just sit back and enjoy the little things, ...take time to appreciate what you have!

Nico - ...Hey old man, I've been watching you drinking out of that coffee cup for over an hour now, haven't you had enough yet?

Old man - Oy, don't worry yourself about me, I'm just a simple old man with simple values in life, it's what we do in our time thats important.

Nico - Yeah? And what might that be?...

Old man - To carry out our purpose. ...(points towards the lit up building behind them) you see those buildings out there? To think that so many years ago people slaved over the construction of those buildings, just so we today could live in a better, cleaner tomorrow.

Nico - ...But their just buildings, what makes them so special here that they should be set apart from the buildings in any other city?

Old man - Ey', thats a good point. It was the attention to detail I was remarking on, but your a bright young one I can tell.

Nico - And what about you? ...What is your so-called purpose in life?

Old man - Me? ...I'm just an observer in this town, (points to the people walking in the street) just take a look for yourself, (points to busy woman yakking gossip on her cell phone, to a homeless beggar asking passer-by's for spare change) You see those people? They may not seem so important to you, but they all have their own unique purpose to carry out, Some of us have important purpose in life (points to a police officer drinking coffee) ...and some of us do not! (points to a tourist taking photographs of the monument.) The important thing is that we're all here, doing whatever our purpose is meant to be?...

Nico - And you still haven't told me Your purpose yet...!

Old man - *Chuckle* Me? ...My purpose is to sit here, at night, every night, ...drinking coffee. ...Just watching the world go by. (Holds his coffee cup out which appears to be attached to his hand) ...Look this coffee, its not even real, *chuckles some more* theres not even any coffee in it!

Nico - ...Right? ...I'm going to be heading off now...

Old man - You want to know the answer to your question right? Its because we have purpose in this world that we do the things we take for granted. For instance, just the other day I saw a guy get mugged at knifepoint in the street. He had no reason to get mugged, the crook would of had no use for the spare cash, why it wouldnt even matter if the other guy got killed! Nature takes its course and we're all back doing what we're meant to do.

Nico - ...*Pauses* ...You've lost me entirely?

Old man - Can I ask? ...Why do you do the things you do? why do you subject yourself from your main character role, so you can go climb walls, kill hookers, or shoot pigeons in alleyways, regardless if people are looking or not?

Nico - I do not know, ...I do not think about these things, I just do them.

Old man - ...And why are you standing here now, talking to an old man, when you could be out, earning cash, fighting crime lords, or doing so called 'street racing' that I hear so much about these days?

Nico - I guess I just chose right now not to do these things, I like that I have the option not to...

Old man - Oy, exactly what I'm talking about, Its in your role that you take for granted, unlike us you have the option to decide what you want to do, as for us... we just do what small choices we're given in life.

Nico - Interactment! Artificial Intelligence! ...Non Playable Characters! 'Life is a video game', is THAT what you are trying to tell me?

Old man - Precisely! Oy, and I'm just greatful to be involved, ...no matter now big or small the role is, that was the point I was trying to make...

Nico - So what you're saying is... if something bad happens to you, if you get mugged or run over, ...that doesn't bother you any?

Old man - Heh, ...you'd think it would? But thats only what we're told to think, ...how we're told to act and interact. If I'd die I'd just come back the next day, maybe even within the hour or so?...

Nico - Hmm... (pasues for a moment then sits down on the bench next to the old man) It must be a pretty hard life, not being able to have any control over appearance or your personality, ...I can imagine how fustrating you must feel,... brought into this world to live like a puppet!

Old man - Heh-heh, ...if that is what you call it? ...Maybe I am being told to think this way, to optimistically drink coffee all day and sit on this bench? ...but what I do know is, I accepted this role, and I'm happy for it! ...It's better, to exist with a minor purpose in life, than to not exist with one at all...

-Nico's phone rings-

Roman - Hey Cousin? You want to go grab something to eat?

Nico - Sure Cousin, I will pick you up within' the hour.

-Nico hangs up-

Old man - I can see you've already chosen your next purpose...

Nico - ...Even though I have the option to decline?

Old man - ...Even though your health is full, ...you can't gain any nurishment from the food you eat, yet you do it anyway, right?

Nico - Hmm, ...will I ever see you again old man?

Old man - Sure, I'll be here, I'll always be here, but only the question is, how do you know it will be the same old Jewish guy, or maybe perhaps an identical clone with absolutely no memory of this conversation taking my place? who can tell?

-Nico pauses for a moment, smirks to himself then begins to depart to meet Roman-

Old man - I'll see you around, ...even if I'm not the same person, ...I'll always be here, ...drinking coffee, ...watching the busy world go by.

-As Nico drives off and begins to decend from the area, the old man takes one last sip of his coffee as the sun rises and the world wizzes past him. He then fades away into nothing and in his place lies a young business man reading a newspaper, the homeless guy walking the street, begging for spare change is replaced with a smirky teen jock on his cell phone, and the prostitute harrasing passing traffic is replaced with a feminate college student taking a breather from her studies, and thus the circle of life continues...

GTA4 Short Story: Nico and the Old Jewish Man