I'm slowly starting to get back into Newgrounds after a long hiatus, I'm still mainly on DeviantArt, Xbox Live & PSN under TheCrimsonEmo but I haven't abandoned this account and will still drop by from time to time until I actually start making animation.

The Crimson Emo @AshtonNextGen

Age 36, Male

Artist/Photograph er

Amnihama College

Dobuita, Yokosuka

Joined on 6/25/06

Exp Points:
11,890 / 12,090
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.46 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

AshtonNextGen's News

Posted by AshtonNextGen - August 11th, 2008

I mean who isn't right? He's like my Idol!

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I'm all about Kadaj

Posted by AshtonNextGen - July 20th, 2008

Hey guys, I know its been forever since I actually submitted anything to the flash portal but Im in the mists of two new projects I've started, the first is my very own Family Guy episode that Im writing.
Its gonna be great, its designed to be an entire episode of the show, written and scripted entirely by me (don't know it it will contain voices yet as Family Guy impersonators are hard to come by these days) but Im gonna hopefully post up the entire script to the forums tomorrow, once I've done proof reading it that is. As for the Story, The Griffin's are in a lot of morgage repayment dept with the bank and lose their home, in an effort to find somewhere to stay they come across ToonTown (from the film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit), I've done a lot of research into ToonTown so I plan to keep it as authentic to both the movie and the show as possible! (I'll post a link the script up on here when Im finished proof reading!)

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As for my other project I'm hoping to recreate my favorite music video by Jesse McCartney, 'She's no you', but as Roxas and set in Traverse Town. (to replace the setting of NYC)
This will be in celebration of the new Kingdom Hearts game, 358/2 days for the DS starring Roxas.
But don't expect anything for a while yet as I want to get better with animation before I attempt anything as detailed as this.

Also, add me on Xbox live: The Crimson Emo
And join our PSU group [Organization XIII - Roxas] Details of the group are on my MySpace page

Family Guy and Roxas - She's no you AMV

Posted by AshtonNextGen - July 9th, 2008

And the Awesome BlueHippo, I just wanna thank you all for being so cool all these years, and hopefully years to come too! =)
(You can see the image in better quality in This thread here)
I'm gonna start contributing to the art forum everyday now, seeing as how I'm too busy to open up a deviant art account and my works just going to waste on MySpace, so check out my posts and hopefully you'll find some I hope you'll enjoy! =)

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And Thanks so much Tom, for the Wall-E and $100 contest, I seriously had no idea until you fine users told me about it, Im still in daze after just meeting my very hero, Jesse Mccartney but wow, Today's just my Day! =D

Also, add me on Xbox live: The Crimson Emo
And join our PSU group [Organization XIII - Roxas]

My Tribute to Newgrounds

Posted by AshtonNextGen - June 24th, 2008

For the sake of boosting popularity on my profile again, feel free to post whatevers on your mind up on here, and I'll do my best to respond as soon as I notice the message!

Ask me Anything?

Posted by AshtonNextGen - June 21st, 2008

I wanted to post up two of my favorite scenes from Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie, as it is my favorite film of all time and I'n my opinion, one of the best anime films ever made, everyone has their own critical opinion on this film or which language version is better, but I grew up with this film and even to this very day still love it just as much!
Have a watch of the video's and tell me what you think? =)

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Posted by AshtonNextGen - June 12th, 2008

Ok guys, I know I keep making all these blogs about how I plan on moving to Birmingham, but this time Its finally starting to become a reality and I'm nearly prepared now!
I have been obsessing over estate agent websites such as Accord and City Life Group for over a month now and I've finally picked out the two places I'm scouting for! Jupiter and Southside, hopefully Southside because that apartment is a whole lot nicer, is right next to the Arcadian and is in a secure location. (though as long as I can stick my boy band posters up, I don't really care, lol!)
So all I'm dong as of now is stuck, sitting in my room waiting for a call back from my employers, hopefully with the good news telling me I've been accepted for a transfer to a branch nearby in the city, then I can get a loan from the bank to help pay for the apartment (my parents are total tight wads, figures!) and also hopefully get my tax return by the end of the month to help pay rent, though I wouldn't count on it!
The sad news is that Im being held back another week at college because the lazy ass teachers couldn't be bothered to show up this week, which totally sucks because I really hate my college and coldn't bare going back another day for anyones sake, even though I really need the grades for uni!
I really hope I can get a move on soon though as Its my birthday next Wednesday and I really don't wanna be stuck in the house with nothing to do but watch The Goofy Movie all morning with a bowl of Sugar Puffs! ='(
(I originally wanted to go to London for clothes shopping but with new found money problems arising, and the fact that I spent over £100 in Topman the other week doesnt help, I'm gonna have to give that a miss!)

Anyway Im not gonna be going anywhere for the next two weeks so if you wanna chat on MySpace or hit me up on Xbox Live, feel free!
My gamertag's now The Crimson Emo, not RoxasNextGen, but for all you PSU fans out there I still will be playing Roxas everyday from 4pm till 5pm GMT, you can usually find me in the Casino with Spider-Man (Universe 01 always) or in my room. If you've noticed the Sonic statue, I'm trying to get Tails to go with it, but I don't really want to move the Chao by the toilet as its the only place left! =(
But I'm still trying my hardest to move to Neudaiz as thats always been my ambition from the start!

I wanna take this time off work and use it wisely though as I wanna finish off all my art projects over the weekend before college is over, convert 4G's of all my favorite videos to disc so I can watch them on my Xbox whenever I feel like and hopefully revisit two of my very main projects, Deadline and Katherine & Hippoloid.

So yah, I think thats it for now, I'll keep you all posted as to when I get my new place. and in the meantime, post up a comment and let me all know what you think? =)

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(P.S. I've fallen in love with this Halo 2 video for some reason! Probably because during my late Saterday night Halo 2 games I would often find myself in a struggling battle against the Flood at around 4am then eventually treated to this cutscene.)

That image below is of the Southside apartment I'm trying to get a hold of, no Im no longer going for the Rotunda, if your still lookng for those Halo cutscene videos, This playlist has every single one! And while on another subject I'm still hacking Sonic Adventure 2 and Shenmue on the Dreamcast for MySpace so keep checking my page every now and then to see the progress! Oh and I almost forgot I will also be updating the downloads section of my page so you can download all 4 versions of Sonic CD including the Beta and also Sonic 3D beta, as well as taking down that faulty ShenSonic link!

The time has nearly come...

Posted by AshtonNextGen - June 7th, 2008

I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite cutscenes from the Halo trilogy, I'm only keeping this up for a week or so because I have other things planned for my page, plus all these videos slow down my internet connection (I have a bad computer) so I'm trying to reduce the amount of clarity trying to simultanously load.
Neither the less, enjoy if your a fan of Halo! =)

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Soon I will be making my own halo AMV just for newgrounds where the Prophet of Truth (voiced by Apu) activates the Halo rings while singing and dancing to the song 'Who needs the Kwik-E-Mart'! And all the characters will be there dancing around with him! I cant wait, You'll all going to love it! =)

Just for a week

Posted by AshtonNextGen - May 23rd, 2008

It was lagging my page down too much, but if you still want to see Arby 'n' The Chief, just look for the previous post before this one!
Most of that stuff doesn't apply to me anymore, This is now the apartment I'm actually going for, I managed to get GTAIV and the entire week off to get to know my way around Liberty City (I still can't believe they included Television as well as radio stations now!) And I also managed to get a great deal on simpsons/futerama and skins season box sets!

Anyway, as those of you who know me well should know, I am a huge fan of youtube poop (Mainly the work of Sir. Steven Stegblob), Well to settle the debate once and for all of what the greatest youtube poop of all time is,
I have created a playlist on youtube, naming all the top 50 videos of all time! Its not in order and its not perfect, but I think its definatly worth a look see! (Its just a shame about OudieStadium, oh how he will be missed...)
Well anyway here are just a few of the best ever youtube poop videos! (by my opinion only, not a claimed fact by vote)

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Robotnik Goes - by Stegblob

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Robotnik's tea party - by igiulamam

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Snow white and the seven blackfaced midgets - by igiulamam

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And of course my grand finale, I had to include the infamous Ronald McDonald mix hat inspired a generation into junk food and mental behaviour! lol

Well thats it for now, and if you still miss Arby 'n' the Chief My other playlist should take care of that for you! G'night! =)

I had to cover up the last bulletin

Posted by AshtonNextGen - May 12th, 2008

I've only recently just come across this series a few days ago but I seriously have fallen madly in love with it ever since! Arby 'n' the Chief is like Toy Story on Acid, Seriously if you've not heard of it yet, you need to get into it now!
Its about these two Halo Action Figures (Master Chief & The Arbiter) who live together in this small apartment (ref* to Woody & Buzz) and play Xbox 360 all day long, but seriously its so funny and well written every single episode will have you in stitches!
Its mainly the fact that the two characters have robotic Microsoft Sam voices where everyone else around them speaks normally that makes it so original, only the Arbiter is sophisticated and often proves intelligent points where as the Master Chief always speaks in a 'N00bish MSN slang' and is incredibly dumb.
But ts just the way how they interact with people over Xbox live that makes it so incredibly whitty and original that I just have to share the word out to as many people who haven't yet discovered this series!
So to take advantage of the Newgrounds new embed video feature I've decided to post every single episode up on here and will continute to update whenever more episodes are released!
the series belongs to www.youtube.com/user/machinima

BTW If your only gonna watch one episode watch Ep.11 part 1 at the bottom of the page, Its Unbelievably funny!

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Episode 1: Pilot - This is the first episode of the series that starts out as the Master Chiif dreaming that he'll one day be a hero in Halo 3 and not suck so badly, but he is awoken when a package comes through the door which turns out to be his new rival, The Arbiter!

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Episode 2: Recon - While the Chief and the Arbiter are debating their opinions over Halo 3, the Chief unveils how badly he wants to get the secret Recon Armour from Bungie but was too illiterate to ask, so the Arbiter decides to help teach him how to send a decent E-mail.

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Episode 3: Attitude - This is the episode that I first came across and was how I got into the series, Ironically it wasn't by Machinima, some asshole on youtube stole the vid and labelled it South Park season 12: episode 4 - Canada on Strike, which was what I was searching for on youtube at the time!
Anyway Master Chief has got the Recon Armour and is now going on online games spamming people and pissing everyone off until the Arbiter demands to play Call of Duty 4! Thats when the Chief decides its time to flush that Shitty game down the Toilet! lol

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Episode 4: Melee - When playing Halo 3 together, the Chief is furious that the Arbiter got a cheap Melee kill over him, so he decides to vent his anger out in the best way possible!

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Episode 5: Martydom - When trying to download Porn, the Master Chief is fustrated that its making his games too laggy, so the Arbiter introduces him to Call of Duty 4 instead, but to his suprise learns that Halo 3 isn't the only video game the Chief sucks at!

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Episode 6: Brawl - Fed up with trying to help the Chief find the secret Halo 3 easter egg, the Arbiter decides to introduce Master Chief to the Nintendo Wii, but can he really get the Chief to like a Nintendo Console?

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Epsiode 7: Girls - After watching the way the Master Chief tries to chat up girls online, the Arbiter decides to help Master Chief with women, but when the new roommate Cortana arrives, the Chief finds it impossible to break out of old habits!

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Episode 8: Legendary - while watching the Arbiter design his own stage with the new Halo 3 Legendary pack, the Chief decides to make his own stage, but to both the Arbiter and Cortana's amazement, the stage couldn't suck any harder is he tried!

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Episode 9: Newcomers - The Arbiter is playing a headache-inducing game of Halo 3 againts a group of players who takes the game way too seriously! After giving up and going to bed, the Master Chief discovers a mysterious package at the doorstep which spooks him out.
When he later in the night goes to investigate he discovers that its more new roommates, a friendlier, more sophisticated version of the Chief named Todd and an annoying football jock Brute Chieftain named Travis.

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Episode 10: Cortana - While the Arbiter and Travis are having a hard time getting along and fighting over the new game, GTAIV, the Master Chief becomes jelous of the new found relationship between Cortana and Todd and decides its up to him to break up the relationship!

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Episode 11: Conflict part 1 - This is my personal favorite and the latest episode of the series so far, I was originally only going to post up this one video but instead decided to post the entire series up!
The Arbiter is playing GTA online with a couple of guys until this annoying gansta wannabe shows up to ruin the game, to their amazement discover that he's really just a whiney kid who has fights with his parents over the microphone and to the Arbiters amazement discover that he's actually friends with the Master Chief!
Anyway, the Chief is upset when Travis set him up to try and win Cortana back so he decides to come up with a plan and get rid of both him and Todd during the night!

I'll post up more episodes when they arrive, but since I wont be making any more posts for a long while now, I wanna take the chance to post this in with it, I was going though some old japanese Sonic videos last night and was seriously shocked out of my mind when I came across this, but this is the exclusive ultra rare sketch of the original character design for the 'long eared rabbit' character that never made it into Sonic Team as Sega's Mascot! Their isn't any other picture of this in the world so I'm so lucky to have taken this screen dump in time!

And also while I'm making this blog, this is the apartment Im trying to get in Birmingham, the Rotunda.
Check it out for yourself, I really can't decide at the moment which apartment I want more but I've been obsessing over this site for ages now and very soon will be moving into either one!
Being the tallest building in the entire city sure gives it destincive advantages but it being in the heart of town centre is advantage enough, but its mainly the view Im obsessing over, you can seriously see every inch of the city from your living room window! Can you just imagine how amazing that is?

http://www.findaproperty.com/displaypr op.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=1548561 &agentid=15278

http://www.findaproperty.com/displaypr op.aspx?edid=00&salerent=1&pid=1441728 &agentid=16819

Oh yah I almost forgot because of my pay bonus I get GTAIV tomorrow instead of the 23rd May as originaly planned, I'm also gonna get skins season 1 & 2, change my xbox gamertag to Crimson Emo, Legually change my full name to Ashton Alexander McCartney (Seriously could that be any hotter?) get a spiffy new hairdryer and an amazing new hair straightener that works as a 2 in 1 comb as well, quit college if I don't graduate by next week and move to one of those two apartments I just shown up! (if thats not all I plan to dye my hair black again for my Birthday)

Well thats its for the while, and here's that Rabbit character I was talking about that never made it as Sonic the Hedgehog!

(P.S. James honey, if your Reading this Please, Please watch Episode 11 Pt.1! love you lots sweetie! xx)

Arby 'n' The Chief - The Best Internet Series Ever!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - May 5th, 2008

Now Disney have officially covered everything possible in the industry!

Oh Goody