It was lagging my page down too much, but if you still want to see Arby 'n' The Chief, just look for the previous post before this one!
Most of that stuff doesn't apply to me anymore, This is now the apartment I'm actually going for, I managed to get GTAIV and the entire week off to get to know my way around Liberty City (I still can't believe they included Television as well as radio stations now!) And I also managed to get a great deal on simpsons/futerama and skins season box sets!
Anyway, as those of you who know me well should know, I am a huge fan of youtube poop (Mainly the work of Sir. Steven Stegblob), Well to settle the debate once and for all of what the greatest youtube poop of all time is,
I have created a playlist on youtube, naming all the top 50 videos of all time! Its not in order and its not perfect, but I think its definatly worth a look see! (Its just a shame about OudieStadium, oh how he will be missed...)
Well anyway here are just a few of the best ever youtube poop videos! (by my opinion only, not a claimed fact by vote)
/* */
Robotnik Goes - by Stegblob
/* */
Robotnik's tea party - by igiulamam
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Snow white and the seven blackfaced midgets - by igiulamam
/* */
And of course my grand finale, I had to include the infamous Ronald McDonald mix hat inspired a generation into junk food and mental behaviour! lol
Well thats it for now, and if you still miss Arby 'n' the Chief My other playlist should take care of that for you! G'night! =)
I wanted to include this as well but didn't have the room otherwise my page would just lag again like the old news post did, but if your reading this comment and have a moment on your hands, check out this incredibly racist cartoon as well, I think you'll be suprised who the author is! =)
<a href=""> Qpc6c</a>