A lot of people have been asking me this over the years so I eventually decided to post up my theory on the full events that really took place 50 years ago on the Space Colony Ark.
As it started, the government began funding a space colony project, where scientists could carry out their experiments above the Earths atmosphere in peace.
The government originally wanted this establishment to be a station for developing weapons of mass destruction for G.U.N. but later interest span that they could benefit more by researching into a development to create 'the ultimate lifeform', now codenamed 'Project Shadow'.
As the worlds current leading Scientist Professor Gerald Robotnik (Dr. Robotnik A.K.A. Dr. Eggman's grandfather) was leading the research aboard the Space Colony Ark, he voluntarily requested to lead Project Shadow as well, but only as a means of distraction from his current workstation for the 'Eclipse cannon', this is because, not only was he against creating weapons of mass destruction but primarily because the main reason he joined G.U.N.'s scientific team was because his granddaughter Maria had a very rare terminal illness which meant she had to be secluded from any human contact until a cure could be discovered.
Gerald vowed to cure his sick granddaughter so he took her with him aboard the ARK and carried out his research while he tried to develop a cure in secrecy.
While the crack team of researchers were trying to develop the 'ultimate lifeform' they tried and tested many different theories that often lead to a dead end, this is mainly because most of their experiments were on lizards as they envisioned the ultimate lifeform should be a lizard.
They also tried testing out a D.N.A. sample of Chaos, the guardian beast of the Master Emerald that they somehow managed to either develop or obtain from what remains a mystery (as the events in Sonic adventure aren't set to even occur for another 48 years prior to this event in time),
With this sample they tried to develop artificial replicas of Chaos controlled by A.I. but they all proved to be completely unstable and far too dangerous to risk further development.
That's when, by sheer chance they created the 'ultimate lifeform' in the shape of a hedgehog, which proved to be their very success as Shadow the hedgehog was everything they had hoped for, powerful, but with a self aware conscious and manner to self control that power.
(by now you should all take note Shadow the hedgehog is by no means related to Sonic the hedgehog in anyway, shape or form. This is because Sonic is from a parallel universe that's parallel to Earth only set 1000's of years ahead of our current time and Shadow was created by human scientists aboard the Space Colony Ark 50 years prior to this time, but like Mewtwo from Poke` mon, Shadow is ageless and will live eternally.
You should also note out that in Japanese Media, Sonic is actually from Earth but again, in a futuristic timeline, though at age 15-16, it still proves that Shadow is beyond Sonic's relative existence.)
Now that the 'ultimate lifeform' was successfully completed, it proved to be a blessing, because not only was Shadow (named after the projects initial codename 'Project Shadow') able to carry out human speech and manner, he was also able to companionate the Professor's Granddaughter Maria, seeing as how Shadow wasn't human he would be able to come within contact of her, without risk of seriously violating her illness.
Unfortunately the Government now wanted rid of 'Project Shadow' as they feared such a powerful being would eventually become too dangerous to mankind.
They ordered all research aboard the Space Colony Ark to be ended, the 'ultimate lifeform' and all its prototypes to be terminated, and every single researcher to be taken back to Earth and sworn into secrecy of the Space Colony Ark ever existing or face prosecution!
But the Professor couldn't, he refused to let G.U.N. simply take away everything he has done, not just at the marvel of what a success Shadow the hedgehog was but at the fact he was desperately close to a breakthrough of his granddaughters cure, he couldn't just let G.U.N. take away everything he had hoped for in making his granddaughter well.
That's why he entrusted Shadow to protect Maria from G.U.N. at all costs until he could finally cure her illness, but it was too late!
G.U.N. had already landed aboard the Ark, arrested all the researchers and terminated all creatures that had any relations to the development of 'Project Shadow'.
Professor Gerald tried to aid Shadow and Maria's escape but was caught beforehand, leaving Shadow as the only one on the colony who could protect Maria, but before they could get to the emergency escape pods they were halted by a G.U.N. soldier who had managed to catch up with them!
Maria knew Shadow could do good in this world so she forced him into the pod alone and ejected him back to Earth, nobly knowing full well that the G.U.N. Soldier was unstably prepared to shoot her for disobeying his one command not to do it.
Maria took the bullet knowing that ensuring Shadow lives was more important to the world than her own life.
(This explains the full reason behind Shadows content hatred for the entire human race as he holds them all responsible for Maria's death, the young girl born with a terminal illness, who's only wish was to meet the people of Earth she was so deprived from due to her illness)
With no one left aboard the Space Colony Ark alive, Professor Gerald Robotnik was ordered to execution for treason but as a final revenge managed to signal a secret program within the 'Eclipse Cannon' that would cause it to self detonate and collide with the Earth, if how someone would be 'foolish and greed fuelled' enough to attempt to use such power, this would be his unique way of getting revenge on G.U.N.
This now brings us to the events of 50 years later where Professor Gerald's uncanny Grandson Dr. Eggman had broken into G.U.N.'s island base of ministry, trying to uncover the secrets behind his Grandfather's diaries only to discover his prized creation, Shadow the hedgehog nesting unnoticed in the escape pod landing bay which had been forgotten and abandoned, along with the Space Colony Ark 50 years ago...
(You should now also take note that the events told in the 2005 video game, Shadow the hedgehog are only an 'Alternative' to what events happened here, it would be less confusing to ignore Black Dooms presence aboard the Ark and any relations he may have had with Project Shadow.)