I'm slowly starting to get back into Newgrounds after a long hiatus, I'm still mainly on DeviantArt, Xbox Live & PSN under TheCrimsonEmo but I haven't abandoned this account and will still drop by from time to time until I actually start making animation.

The Crimson Emo @AshtonNextGen

Age 36, Male

Artist/Photograph er

Amnihama College

Dobuita, Yokosuka

Joined on 6/25/06

Exp Points:
11,890 / 12,090
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Vote Power:
7.46 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
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AshtonNextGen's News

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 17th, 2008

I won't be making any new posts for a while as I now have other things to focus on, but I just wanted to thank everyone for all their support, I only just yesterday noticed the threads, I had no idea how many people were keeping track of my profile ranking! lol
But College is nearly over and the minute it does I'm packing up and moving forward to the great City of Birmingham!
I really can't wait, its all I ever think about these days!
Thats when I'll begin contributing to Newgrounds more because I'll be studying Animation & Games Design at University. If you look at my previous post you can see all the great flash projects I have planned for the future (but you all know by now the only reason I'm on this site is to compete with DrJam right?)

Well thats it, A diploma in IT bussiness skills, a Merit in Games Design, soon I'll be the best Flash Designer you ever saw!
(Though I'd personally be satisfied enough if I can get a place up with the greats such as Adam Phillips, DanPaladin & thewax70! - Those are the True Heroes of Newgrounds!)

Thanks for all your support!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 16th, 2008

I can only apologize for that previous post, there's no point me dragging you all down with my bitter feud wih DrJam, so to cover up that last post, here is a list of all my flash projects that I soon hope to create for Newgrounds, some of them are already here and others will be too!
I'll keep updating regularly whenever new projects arise.

Main Flash projects

BTEC Crisis - Side scrolling beat-em-up
Sonic Flash - Platform/Action
Sonic Mellow Islands - 3D free roaming
Sonic Mellow Islands 2 - 3D free roaming
Sonic Mellow Islands 3 - Dobuita - 3D free roaming
Sonic Mellow Islands 4 - Exmouth - 3D free roaming
Jane Oakley's: Mini Racers - 3D Kart Racing
Jane Oakley's: Martian Madness - Platform/Action
Street Gang Survival - Side scrolling/Action
Eggman's Shooting Range -Shoot-em-up
Eggman's Shooting Range 2 - Shoot-em-up
Shadow the Hedgehog 2: Black Dooms Demise - Platform/Action
The Ultimate Super Sonic Quiz - Quiz/Puzzle
Ratchet and Clank: Ratchet Rescue - Platform/Action
Soccer Dungeons - Top-down Adventure
Saints Row: Mob Rule - Top-down Action
Titan Anilation (college tank game) - Top-Down Action
SegaSonic Arcade Mini - isometric Platform/Action
Sonic Drift Flash - 3D kart Racing

Side Projects coming soon

Egg-Pawn Attacks - Platform/Dodge-em
Ryan Drummond Tribute - Animation
Viva Piñata Bulletin Banner/aka The Viva Piñata soundboard - Presentation/Documentary
The Christmas After - Animation
Conker Outbound - Top-Down Action/Puzzle
Sonic X - Eggman takes control - Animation
Sonic and Jesse's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Shadow's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Sonic and Ashton's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Silver's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Saints Row: Sing for a moment - Animation
Katherine's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Sonic & Amy's High Speed Adventure - Animation
Sonic & Tails High Speed Adventure - Animation
Sonic in London (working title)- Animation
Sonic's Ultimate High Speed Adventure - Animation
Emo Ninja's - Animation
DeadLine - Side Scrolling Survial Horror
Sonic and Shadow Chronicles - Co-op Platform/Action
Animal Crossing World: Tourist Exploration - Top/Down Free Roaming experience

Newly developed projects

Crazy frog Vs Yoshi - Animation
Eggman Vs Hank hill - Animation
Skater Vs Emo - Animation
Skater Vs Emo - the fridge - Animation
Ristar in Shenme - Top Down RPG
Sex Drive - Erotic Touch Screen Action Game

Working titles that might not become projects

Mecha Madness (?) - Platform/Action
Greggs hacksaw (working title) (?) - Platform/Action
Dead Rising Zombies (working title) (?) - Top-Down Action/Horror

Comic's to become Projects

The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: Mothers Day - Animation
Mr Beans Pet Problems - Animation
The Matrix Chronicles: The Story of James and Nathan - Animation
Sonic the Hedgehog and the Floating Island - Animation
The Getaway: Chaos Control - Animation
Sam Thompsons Rape Crisis - Animation
Conker's Comics: Grim Salvation - Animation
Conker's Comics: Acorn of the Dead - Animation
Rise of the Hedgehogs (incomplete project)(?) - Animation
Sonic the Hedgehog and the Chaos Emeralds (?)- Animation
The Simpsons Comics: The Simpsons go to Japan - Animation
Totally Rad' Dudes series - Animation
Katherine and Sakura series - Animation
South Park Comic Book series - Animation

Video Games Projects

Katherine and Hippoloid - Platform/Action
Assassin Anillation - Shooting/Drving
Debug Rally - Racing
Katherine and Hippoloid 2 - Platform/Action
Katherine and Hippoloid: smash impact - Beat-em-up
Katherine and Hippoloid: off control (BMX) - Extreme Sports/Role Playing
Katherine and Hippoloid: puzzle stadium - Puzzle
Katherine and Hippoloid 3 - Platform/Action
Life on Mars - Role Playing
Katherine and Hippoloid Rally - Racing
The Flying Rabbi - Platform/Action
WAR GAME (working title) - 3rd Person Shooter
Assassin Anillation 2: project Gloucester - Shooting/Drving
Katherine and Hippoloid 4: The Final Chapter - Platform/Action
Space Street Racer - Racing
Mechanical Intelligence - SandBox
Lifetime (working title about to scientists) - Platform/Sandbox
Katherine and Hippoloid Deluxe - Platform/Action

I present to you the very future of Newgrounds!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 16th, 2008

Man I really wish they'd make a great co-op game with sonic and shadow, that would be so cool!
I was thinking about that in bed all morning! i dont mean like mario and luigi on the GBA I mean like a proper full 3D sonic game where 1 player controls sonic and the other is shadow!
That'll be so cool!

I've already began coming up with ideas for a flash game for this, as its more than obvious sonic team arn't ever gonna do this! So what I've come up with so far, (Im thinking of maybe naming the game Sonic & Shadow chronicles) anyway one player controls sonic, and the other shadow (I guess, I dunno you'd have to co-op using the keyboard with a friend or something?)
And each character has their own unique abilities but can run at the same speeds, sonic can bounce to get to higher places and reach hidden switches and items that shadow can't reach, and shadow can use chaos sphere to make forcefields, security doors, barriers or robots malfunction!
They can each build up power to use their unique special attack, (like a team blast from sonic heroes or something) sonic does the light speed attack which homes in like crazy to all the enemies in sight, taking them out and shadow uses chaos blast which destroys everything in its path!

I know this seems near impossible to pull off in flash and in 3D would be impossible as I lack most basic programming skills, but Im willing to give it a shot, learn more actionscript, see where things take me! I think its a really good idea that shouldn't go to waste, I mean I at least wanna keep sonic's good flame alive even if Sonic team obviously doesn't (I swear the new staff they hired enjoy watching the company fail and get a kick out of it!)

Well Ok since I'm still talking, as the the idea, I was thinking maybe trying something new, Instead of Eggman always trying to take over the world, robot's everywhere I was thinking of an idea kinda similar to like, phantasy star universe (not that im stealing idea, I just found my idea similar to theirs in comparison)
An alien race has crash landed on the planet and is contaminating the wildlife, making it turn evil or something (I was thinking like maybe plants turning poisonous and rock monsters coming to life and wierd alien stuff?)
No Tails, No Knuckles, No Amy, No Eggman, Just Pure Sonic and Shadow gameplay! =D

Now as for the stages, Im still working on level concept ideas, only come up with names and stuff so far, I was thinking 8 stages in total, really big as its 2D (though im really hoping in the future 3D games would become better in flash!)

Stage.1 - Paradise Canyons (seaside hill type stage, kinda like the image below)
you have to fight these monsters made out of rocks (by the alien force) and use co-op action to activate switches/deactivate barriers, lets say your running really fast and come to a secret locked door, the switch is hidden up a high ledge, shadow can't reach it but sonic can use his bounce attack to get there!
Then you later find yourself surrounded by a barrier preventing your escape, shadow uses chaos sphere on the control pannel, causing it to malfunction!
Stage.2 - its a desert stage, haven't thought of a good name yet, all I got so far is landfield ruins or something mine, whatever (I'm open to suggestions?)
Stage.3 - Locus forest - cool tropical jungle full of high speed loops and turns but all these plant monsters coming to life
stage.4 - metropolis highway - futeristic city where this giant octopus creature is grabbing the hover cars and throwing them all over, imagine a large futeristic city under chaos!
stage.5 - aquatic laboratory - like an underwater dome reseach lab (not to do with Eggman) but the sea creatures have turned bad and its up to sonic and shadow to find the cause!
stage.6 - skyworks factory (open to suggestions for a better name?) - a large steelworks wario colloseum style factory with large metal moving platforms everywhere - real high tech!
stage.7 - Apollo ruins - like the sky ruins stage from shadow the hedgehog, loads of floating platforms high up in the sky, all old ancient flating ruins
stage.8 - cosmo station (again can't think of anything better right now) - its a space station, kinda similar to the space colony ark but this is where the alien monster responcible for all the chaos is nesting and sonic and shadow are determined to put a stop to it!
then there will be a final battle between super sonic/shadow and the giant alien monster!
No this has nothing to do with shadow the hedgehog or sonic adventure 2, the aliens are kinda like the seed from phantasy star universe, but I think this gameplay could work well, I mean look at sonic and the secret rings, Eggman wasn't the main villain there and it still worked out alright?

What do you guys think? =)

We need better sonic games!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 11th, 2008

So I'm back on Xbox Live yeah, but now I've just checked my xbox arcade games and like half the games I used to own are gone and all these games I've never even heard of are all fully paid in my Hard-drive?
Whats going on, where the fuck is Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic 1? And wtfs Agnes Wing? I don't remember paying for this game?
Well if its just a temperary glitch I'm gonna get as many achievements as I can then try and sort this out, I've already tried re-installing the missing games but for some reason it still refuses to accept their not trials!
God Im so sick of Xbox Live, the way they treat their customers is dispicable!

Ah Bollocks to it anyway, we all know I'm a Phantasy Star Junkie, As long as I can keep downloading episodes of Cardcaptors off YouTube this week I'm happy!
And Fuck Dr.Jam, That goofy little nerd refuses to back down against me, well that does it!
As Executive Chairman of T.G. Industries and Emo Leader of Great Britain I am hearby declairing war on DrJam, that indiscustible homophobe has gotten in the way of my plans for the last time!
Whatever it takes, I'm going to become King of the Portal, and when I do, I'll Drive Him off the Planet!

What's going on!?

Posted by AshtonNextGen - April 4th, 2008

For years I've always wanted to make a tile-based exploration game but the insperation never really came to me untill I was playing Pokemon Yellow Yesterday, at first I decided to try and replicate my very own Pokemon World which the character could explore a vast ginourmous land and interact with 100's of NCP locals and Pokemon alike, not catch Pokemon or Battle with other trainers, just kick back and kill time, but because the Franchise of Pokemon moves Way Too fast for me to keep up, unfortunatly I don't know anything about all these 'new Pokemon' that the fan base would demand me to keep up with, Anyway I later got the idea to download Google Earth and have a go at replicating my Very Own home town of Gloucestershire as a HUGE Tile based game, but again proved near impossible as cities arn't build on a 4x4, X.&Y. basis!

Anyway my final attempt proved to be most successful as I've deciced instead of making my own Pokemon land I will recreate Animal Crossing just for Newgrounds! It will be great, Im not yet a professional with Flash so I'll keep it as simple as possible, but the world will be ABSOLUTELY HUGE!
As hence the title will be ANIMAL CROSSING WORLD, almost Every single possible character will be included and you can interact with them as well as greet familiar faces.
But keep this in mind, as I said I'm not an expert in Flash, I am not an A.I. or interface specialist, this will be just a little side project because of the huge delays in my main game, DEADLINE.
I AM NOT RECREATING ANIMAL CROSSING: WILD WORLD! You can not buy things from tom nook, you cannot go inside the museum, you cannot do the things you could do in that game, its just a huge map that you can explore and interact with the many NPC's of Animal Crossing, its a fun way to kill time, your gonna love it! =)

I'm Bringin' Animal Crossing to Newgrounds!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - March 23rd, 2008

No doubt you've all heard by now of the Big Leak by Sega of the new Rumoured Sonic game for the 360, PS3 and Wii, Sonic Unleashed (being the name in development!)
Well since its obviously more than true let me be the first one to Post up all the facts on Newgrounds!

From here you can see a high quality trailer which no doubt has already spawned into several youtube videos

From here...
And here, you can see heaps of high resolution screenshots of the gameplay and opening cutscene of whats to be expected

They appear to have taken a step back this time and taken elements from the two most successful Sonic games of the new Millenium = Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic Rush, combined with the powerful graphics engine of the 360/PS3, I'd say this game could be lookin' up to be pretty specacular!
but it's only just been announced so don't expect anything too groundbreaking yet!
(after all remember when sonic next gen was first announced? Oh what a fuss that was)
I'll let you be the judge of whether or not this game will be a sucess, It's understandably hard to keep faith after the terrible mockery that was Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, but who know's, maybe Sonic Team have finally learned their lesson this time?

Let me be the first!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - March 4th, 2008

Happy Valentines Day! =D
I made this picture for every one who's lost their Xbox 360's to the ring of death and is having trouble staying entertained, I don't just share your pain, I endure it!
So it appears since 2 whole months has passed waiting ever patiently for my Xbox to be replaced I've now succumb to spending my every waking hour on Newgrounds, wasting senseless amounts of money on old PS2 games no one cares about anymore and pretty much everything else short of watching Desperate Housewives!
I hope my art puts a smile on as many faces as possible, because the time of Next-Gen is rough, we need to help each other out if were gonna make it though the repair centre apocalypse!
And if anyone's interested I'm now hacking open Sega Dreamcast games on the college computers every week, showing you open-rendered screen captures of Shenmue, Sonic Adventure 2, Crazy Taxi and pretty much any other decent Dreamcast game I can get my hands on!
Its all on my MySpace page and you won't see this kind of material anywhere else on the Internet!
Check it out, and maybe if I think they're worthy enough I might send my findings to Shenmue.dojo (where else can you find screenshots of Ryo's house taken apart or Sonic characters with the facial features missing?)

Last thing, be sure to come visit me in EGGMANLAND as every visit will make my town grow bigger and prosper!
All Hail The Eggman Empire!

I know its late but...

Posted by AshtonNextGen - March 1st, 2008

How could I let this happen!? *sob*
This is like, a total disaster...!

(I got taken in by a fake abusive reviews post and went from gold to garbage in like, 3 hours!)
Newgrounds is a cruel place for young, vunerable people like me... =(

OMG Garbage Whistle!?!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - February 27th, 2008

A lot of people have been asking me this over the years so I eventually decided to post up my theory on the full events that really took place 50 years ago on the Space Colony Ark.

As it started, the government began funding a space colony project, where scientists could carry out their experiments above the Earths atmosphere in peace.
The government originally wanted this establishment to be a station for developing weapons of mass destruction for G.U.N. but later interest span that they could benefit more by researching into a development to create 'the ultimate lifeform', now codenamed 'Project Shadow'.
As the worlds current leading Scientist Professor Gerald Robotnik (Dr. Robotnik A.K.A. Dr. Eggman's grandfather) was leading the research aboard the Space Colony Ark, he voluntarily requested to lead Project Shadow as well, but only as a means of distraction from his current workstation for the 'Eclipse cannon', this is because, not only was he against creating weapons of mass destruction but primarily because the main reason he joined G.U.N.'s scientific team was because his granddaughter Maria had a very rare terminal illness which meant she had to be secluded from any human contact until a cure could be discovered.
Gerald vowed to cure his sick granddaughter so he took her with him aboard the ARK and carried out his research while he tried to develop a cure in secrecy.

While the crack team of researchers were trying to develop the 'ultimate lifeform' they tried and tested many different theories that often lead to a dead end, this is mainly because most of their experiments were on lizards as they envisioned the ultimate lifeform should be a lizard.
They also tried testing out a D.N.A. sample of Chaos, the guardian beast of the Master Emerald that they somehow managed to either develop or obtain from what remains a mystery (as the events in Sonic adventure aren't set to even occur for another 48 years prior to this event in time),
With this sample they tried to develop artificial replicas of Chaos controlled by A.I. but they all proved to be completely unstable and far too dangerous to risk further development.

That's when, by sheer chance they created the 'ultimate lifeform' in the shape of a hedgehog, which proved to be their very success as Shadow the hedgehog was everything they had hoped for, powerful, but with a self aware conscious and manner to self control that power.
(by now you should all take note Shadow the hedgehog is by no means related to Sonic the hedgehog in anyway, shape or form. This is because Sonic is from a parallel universe that's parallel to Earth only set 1000's of years ahead of our current time and Shadow was created by human scientists aboard the Space Colony Ark 50 years prior to this time, but like Mewtwo from Poke` mon, Shadow is ageless and will live eternally.
You should also note out that in Japanese Media, Sonic is actually from Earth but again, in a futuristic timeline, though at age 15-16, it still proves that Shadow is beyond Sonic's relative existence.)

Now that the 'ultimate lifeform' was successfully completed, it proved to be a blessing, because not only was Shadow (named after the projects initial codename 'Project Shadow') able to carry out human speech and manner, he was also able to companionate the Professor's Granddaughter Maria, seeing as how Shadow wasn't human he would be able to come within contact of her, without risk of seriously violating her illness.
Unfortunately the Government now wanted rid of 'Project Shadow' as they feared such a powerful being would eventually become too dangerous to mankind.
They ordered all research aboard the Space Colony Ark to be ended, the 'ultimate lifeform' and all its prototypes to be terminated, and every single researcher to be taken back to Earth and sworn into secrecy of the Space Colony Ark ever existing or face prosecution!
But the Professor couldn't, he refused to let G.U.N. simply take away everything he has done, not just at the marvel of what a success Shadow the hedgehog was but at the fact he was desperately close to a breakthrough of his granddaughters cure, he couldn't just let G.U.N. take away everything he had hoped for in making his granddaughter well.
That's why he entrusted Shadow to protect Maria from G.U.N. at all costs until he could finally cure her illness, but it was too late!
G.U.N. had already landed aboard the Ark, arrested all the researchers and terminated all creatures that had any relations to the development of 'Project Shadow'.

Professor Gerald tried to aid Shadow and Maria's escape but was caught beforehand, leaving Shadow as the only one on the colony who could protect Maria, but before they could get to the emergency escape pods they were halted by a G.U.N. soldier who had managed to catch up with them!
Maria knew Shadow could do good in this world so she forced him into the pod alone and ejected him back to Earth, nobly knowing full well that the G.U.N. Soldier was unstably prepared to shoot her for disobeying his one command not to do it.
Maria took the bullet knowing that ensuring Shadow lives was more important to the world than her own life.
(This explains the full reason behind Shadows content hatred for the entire human race as he holds them all responsible for Maria's death, the young girl born with a terminal illness, who's only wish was to meet the people of Earth she was so deprived from due to her illness)

With no one left aboard the Space Colony Ark alive, Professor Gerald Robotnik was ordered to execution for treason but as a final revenge managed to signal a secret program within the 'Eclipse Cannon' that would cause it to self detonate and collide with the Earth, if how someone would be 'foolish and greed fuelled' enough to attempt to use such power, this would be his unique way of getting revenge on G.U.N.

This now brings us to the events of 50 years later where Professor Gerald's uncanny Grandson Dr. Eggman had broken into G.U.N.'s island base of ministry, trying to uncover the secrets behind his Grandfather's diaries only to discover his prized creation, Shadow the hedgehog nesting unnoticed in the escape pod landing bay which had been forgotten and abandoned, along with the Space Colony Ark 50 years ago...

(You should now also take note that the events told in the 2005 video game, Shadow the hedgehog are only an 'Alternative' to what events happened here, it would be less confusing to ignore Black Dooms presence aboard the Ark and any relations he may have had with Project Shadow.)

The Truth about Project Shadow

Posted by AshtonNextGen - February 16th, 2008

A year ago I made a promise to myself when I mail ordered GTA Vice City Stories on its day release, that I wouldn't even go near it until I have fully completed the previous GTA Spin-off, Liberty City Stories, one year later, since my 360 has been dead for over a fortnight on the same day my original xbox and my dreamcast decided to go, I had no real reason not to see the game though to the end!

Anyway, now that the game is finally complete, I'm looking forward to unwrapping my year's due Birthday present, Vice City Stories, Yeah!

I've kept the end of my bargain!