I've now given up any hope of landing a decent job this year after painful months of searching so This week Im travelling back to Birmingham and am gonna just whore myself out to any job I can get, Boots, Tescos, Argos, whatever.
The UK's not like America, education means nothing to the working world, you just gotta land a job wherever you can get it, It's all first come first serve in this country and I'm learning that the hard way. (all those years wasted in College all for nothing...)
Whatever, I don't really care that much what I do, as long as I can keep designing games and animations in my spare time I'm happy anywhere. Hopefully In the future I wanna really build up an impressive portfolio of successful flash games and animations and take online career courses whch would open doors and land me roles with bigger, successful companies. I mean who wants to work in retail all their life huh? The worst thing about any job is dealing with customers who just know they can walk all over you! >=/
But whatever I'm past that now, I'm still uptating My Flash Projects list every month and adding new planned projects to the list all the time, I really can't tell what I'll bring to Newgrounds first because whenever I'm working though a project, I get sidetracked and come up with a new one entirely!
I'm hoping though, my MUSEUM OF SONIC THE HEDGEHOG (or THE SONIC MUSEUM) will be my first small project to be completed, which is an entire interactive museum of Sonic's history from 1990-2008 day, containing trailers and regional exclusive commercials as well, but I'm still working hard on my more major titles, Sonic Gotham Racing (which is an entire recreation of Project Gotham Racing 2-4), Halo: Live and Reloaded (which is an entire Conker remake of the Halo trilogy) and Mario Crashers (A Mario remake of NG's very own Castle Crashers).
Again, these are all side projects for me which will all eventually build up towards my main gaming franchise, Katherine & Hippoloid, which I hope one day to gain the licensing to make for consoles.
Who know's where the future will take us?
http://www.youtube.com/user/SamThompso nX
http://live.xbox.com/en-GB/profile/The +Crimson+Emo
http://www.bungie.net/Stat s/Halo3/Defa ult.aspx?player=The+Crimson+Emo
(P.S. I have no freakin idea why my Gamercard claims I'm from Singapore, I can't change it for some reason it just keeps going back to default!)
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(Also I forgot to mention, I am now working on two other major projects as well, An entire recreation of Sonic Adventure 2 where the roles of the Heroes and Villains are reversed, meaning Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are the villains and Shadow, Rouge, Dr. Eggman and Omega are the heroes and my more promising project, An entire recreation of Sonic Heroes only portraid through the roles of the cast of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Heroes! I'll reveal the entire cast on my flash projects list, not here)
gggfgrg FUCK THE WORLD LAWLHJGhfgrfrrrgrgeggEGFDGEGefgeeee
No but strsly folks fuck me :D
No but rly srsly suk mu kok folks
No but rly rly srsly I'm gay
Yes, but rly rly rly SUPER SRSLY i'm back
and also fuk wade for deleting me and my awesome sherio series that i forgot to save beacuse i'm a dumbshit
Giant Explosion!