Aww hitler looks so peaceful =)
Boy lemme tell you 'bout the time ah met the lock ness monster, it was about tree years ago me an ma wife, sherri were sittin on da boat, then all of a sudden this big ol' hairy ass lock ness monsta comes out infront of us!
Now ma wife she be screamin' her ass off all over the daymn place, but ah kept ma cool and ah looked up to him and ah said "damn it lock ness monsta, what do you want from us!?" And he looked down to me and you know what he said?
"... ah need about tree fit'y!"
And ah I was like, Damn it lock ness monsta, why da hell do you need tree fit'y, you be da daymn ruler of Germany, you don't need no tree fit'y from me!
So he said back to me "ah kno, but ah ain' got no money to catch 493 pokemon and dem poke'balls cost two hundred fit'y a piece"
So then ah said, "well if them daymn poke'balls cost two hundred fit'y a piece then why da hell do you wan't tree fit'y from me!?"
And it was about dat time, as was startin to get pissed off!
So you see boy, you should never trust no German dictator with tree fit'y, cuz dey be walkin all over you ass!
LOL sorry I had no idea where I was going with that, I just love the way you made hitler out like the lock ness monster! =)