Its a clever idea but...
I have to give you a low review rating, half those questions were wrong and some were impossible to guess, for instance you said there were 7 stages in the orignal sonci the hedgehog but there are actually 6!
Green hill zone, marble zone, spring yard zone, labyrinth zone, star light zone and scrap brain zone!
And the hidden stage in sonic 2 beta is called the Hidden Palace Zone, I know this fora fact because I have several sonic 2 betas/deltas, sorry I realy don't know what answer you had in mind but you really should have done more reseach before you made this quiz.
And as for the Dr. Ivo Robotnik question, there are several different fan bases and media around the world that each suggest that he has his own personal 'lackey', and it was impossible from that image to tell whether you was reffering to Satam/archie comics, sonic underground cartoon series or the UK fleetway sonic the comic series.
Because the answer could have been either Snivley, Grimer, Sleet and Dingo, judging from the artwork in that screenshot, You relly should have made that question more clear!
Keep trying though, maybe with improvements your next quiz will be better! =)