I'm slowly starting to get back into Newgrounds after a long hiatus, I'm still mainly on DeviantArt, Xbox Live & PSN under TheCrimsonEmo but I haven't abandoned this account and will still drop by from time to time until I actually start making animation.

The Crimson Emo @AshtonNextGen

Age 36, Male

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Amnihama College

Dobuita, Yokosuka

Joined on 6/25/06

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Making my own Sonic X episode!

Posted by AshtonNextGen - September 8th, 2007

I'm putting all my projects on hold for a long while (this includes Sonic and Jesse's high speed adventure) while I work on my new horror game, DEADLINE, but I'm also working on something new, I came up with this idea at work this afternoon but I'm making my own episode of Sonic X, entirely original and its going to be in both ENGLISH AND JAPANESE!
Since knowing that both the English and Japanese versions of sonic X are entirely different (plus I've been watching a lot of Japanese episodes lately)
I got bored at work and came up with my own idea to create a Japanese episode, I then decided to translate that into English and make both versions separate as an option!

I'm recording both versions intro's, outro's and music so when the episode is complete you'll be able to select which version you prefer to see (original Japanese version or English dub) and all the episodes music, intro and ending will be entirely different, not to mention the voice acting of course but you can expect I'll be taking all of that on myself!

Ok as the episode goes as I'm sure you'll all very anxious to know about it!
Dr. Eggman has created a giant mecha called EGG-SOUNDBOOM (egg- shockwave in the English version)
Which is a giant robot that creates seriously loud sound waves that cause the residents of station square to become hypnotised by its screeching waves!
Meanwhile the Thorndyke residents are throwing a party to celebrate all of Sonic and friends hard work, Sonic is bored of the party and goes to the highway to race Sam Speed!
When he is the first to notice the giant mecha approaching the city it sends out a screeching wave So aggressive to Sonic's ears that he is forced to run away from it instead of fighting!
Eggman then sends the robot to central Station Square where it causes a citywide panic as its loud screeches send the residents into a riot!
Sonic's then second attempt to confront the robot end again unsuccessful as he cannot bear the pressure putting into his ears!
The shockwaves beckoning from the robot become hypnotising to all that hear it and soon most of the civilians in the area, including Sonic have become brainwashed into worshiping Dr. Eggman!
This makes Eggman very pleased because not only is his plan to dominate Station Square working but he's even made his arch nemesis, Sonic his most loyal and obedient slave!

Knuckles notices the commotion from far away and goes downtown to investigate but when he see's all the residents mindlessly obeying the giant mecha making horrendous noise, he assumes its trouble and goes to stop it!
That's when Sonic and a the other residents all turn on knuckles and force him to obey the hypnotising chants!
When the Thorndyke residents hear of the commotion on the news they all go in the X-cyclone to help but when they see what has happened they try to pull knuckles away from the hypnosis and get away quickly as the civilians have formed a dangerous cult worshipping Eggman!
It is at this time that Eggman himself comes down to the resident in a glass dome to ensure he is praised as their leader!

G.U.N try to take down the giant mecha as orders by the government but it is at this time that over 50% of the residents of station square have already become mindless to Eggman's transits, including Sonic who proves effortless in driving the G.U.N. force away!

It is at this time, the President is evacuated as Eggman has targeted his new followers to capture and foil his escape!
As a last hope, Rouge and Topaz fly to the Space Colony Ark in hopes that Shadow will help them fight this large-scale threat to civilisation!
He reluctantly agrees to help and they all travel back to earth in hopes that it's not to late!

Now it's a final showdown as Shadow is forced to Fight a brainwashed Sonic and defeat the giant mecha in order to restore peace to the town!

I won't spoil the ending but you should note that as this is going to be made in both English and Japanese, the scripts will be slightly different as well as the ending and opening credits which I have recorded myself using actual footage! And Yes, I promise you the Sonic Rap Song, don't worry!

Well I'm working on the scripts as we speak, but don't expect to see this complete for a LONG time as I work on my newest game, DEADLINE, you'll love it! It's gonna rock!

Until then keep checking the blogs for updates!

Making my own Sonic X episode!


You better take out all the nice, cute junk that can be found in both & add something that teenagers can enjoy.

Don't worry, I promice you, 4-Kids will have absolutely NOTHING to do with my production!
have you ever actualy seen the original japanese version of Sonic X?
You'll be suprised how mature a Sonic cartoon can actualy be?
Japanese can get away with swearing and mild violence in childrens cartoons, so long as their isn't too much blood!
but this animation is going to be made by me, not Sonic Team, so I know what to give the fans!

Sweet! Sounds like a good idea. I love Sonic X (in Japenese). Please Please PLEASE dont be like 4kids. And no kid junk. With the other guy, something us teens can enjoy.

Don't worry I KNOW why everyone hates 4-Kids dubbing So much!
Although im still trying to keep this as close to both seperate versions of sonic X as possible, right down to the opening and ending titles but I am going to give it my own personal touch as well!
Like it or not I still have to give it 'some of its kid junk' as like I said, my aim is to make it So much like a Japanese/English dubbed episode of Sonic X you'll be convinced your watching an offical episode taken out of the series but if you look on my myspace page you can see Im also working on a seperate Sonic X animation that's mature and adult, called The Getaway: Chaos Control!
(its like a Sonic X remake of the 2002 team soho game)

very good hope to see it down kids ps have you got good voice actors

I haven't planned that far ahead yet but as with most my Sonic Flash, I do my own voices, that is, if it would come to that?
Again I haven't planned as far ahead as if I would need voice actors or manipulate audio clips

soz i meant down with 4 kids soz ps look very good

Its set to be based around both the japanese and 4kids versions, there will be an option to play the episode in japanese or in english with both the japanese or english opening and ending credits playing, I have all the episodes on my laptop so getting this data into flash shouldn't be a problem, my only main concern is making this as close to the real thing as possible, as if you would be totally convinced you was watching a real sonic X episode!

sweet! finnaly a sonic x cartoon that isint screwed up because of 4-kids!

Nope, Completely written by me, both versions! =)

Note to Everyone who Reads this Post!
This Flash won't be made for a Very Long Time as I'm currently in the development of both my horror game, Deadline and my Sonic High Speed Adventure AMV series (thats 10 different AMV's set around the Sonic Universe)
Not only that I forgot to take into consideration that I would have to perfect my own voice acting here as its more than obvious that I cannot get the offical actors to play their roles, not to meantion the fact I would have to also take the time to learn fluent Japanese as I will be playing the entire cast, both times over!
So yeah, don't get too exited as I've yet to even finish the script! (Deadline keeps me far busier as its my only flash project With An Actual DEADLINE!)