I'm slowly starting to get back into Newgrounds after a long hiatus, I'm still mainly on DeviantArt, Xbox Live & PSN under TheCrimsonEmo but I haven't abandoned this account and will still drop by from time to time until I actually start making animation.

The Crimson Emo @AshtonNextGen

Age 36, Male

Artist/Photograph er

Amnihama College

Dobuita, Yokosuka

Joined on 6/25/06

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Well there's no way in hell I'm gonna read all that..

So like, why the fuck did you just dump this comment on me dude?

You know, what you're saying actually makes a lot of sense! The old Sonic games had a distinctive style to them and now they're just like any other platformer out there. Sega really made a mess when they gave Shadow a freaking gun...

It's obvious that Sega, like many other companies, have abandonned the art aspect of game design and are now only in it for the money, and I know from experience that when you're making something and your heart isn't in it, it turns out to be as boring and hollow as Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog.

I know, they've let down So many people over the years its tragic, I guess I just wanna go back in time really? to like, when it was just Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman! (Do we even need Amy?)
I was Watching the Sonic movie earlier on and it just hit me, y'know THEIR version of Sonic (the japanese version) is a lot like Astro Boy, instead of Sonic living on a planet filled with talking animals and an evil tyrrant called Dr. Robotnik who wants to rule over them with 'taxes' and 'his way of order' (im just thinkin SATam) the japanese version say that Sonic IS actually from Planet Earth, only its in the future where animals live civiliantly with humans, (that would primarily explain why Eggmans the only main Human in the Sonic genre)

But we never really gave this version a try, experienced it long enough, we all blindly followed the Americans version of that 'Sonic is from Planet Mobious' and lives in a small woodland villaige with Princess Sally Acorn when REALLY, Sonic's japanese, no matter what they all say, Sonic's still a japanese creation, I just find it hard to play the old genisis Sonic games, trying to picturise the green hill zone as a part of earth in the year 3000!

Sorry, what im getting at is, because Sonic's span SO far away from its roots, people tend to easily forget what its really about!
I know the Sonic movie was crap but they had somethin there - ignore the crappy voice acting and the cheap lazy animation and you get what Sonics REALLY about!
The adventures of Sonic, tails, Knuckles & Eggman! (in futuristic Astro boy type scenery) - NO ONE ELSE!!!! N O O N E E L S E ! ! !

(Damn and after I said that they just released another freakin character for Sonic Rush Adventure!) - Sonic team are reading this and mocking me! >:(

Yeah, I agree with you. >_>
I remember the good old sonic games. SA2 was the start of a downward spiral for me. Sega should bring back the old days without all of these random crap characters. >_>

They just DON'T CARE Anymore, they seriously Don't!
I'm looking at new Sonic games coming out for 2008 and theres STILL new Characters being made!
BTW I just gotta stop you for one second, its SONIC TEAM, not SEGA, Sonic team make all the problems, Sega just publishes them worldwide!

I have to go with sparx sega/ sonic team really just dont give a shit any more its all about the money and this prob has also affected other new games by sega besodes the Sonic franchise, the big one that pisses me of is PSU the day the game came out it was just 1 step above the beta (yet sega already had the content) and the game didnt release a single update for 2 months i mean here i am i just spent 60 on the game im spending 10 each month for the online and all i get is a shit ofline mode and online we only have 8 playable missions that my friends is just highway robery! (i do realize i was compleatly off topic but i wanted 2 prove my point about sega/sonic team being about as lazy and cheap as Jaba the Hut!)

Don't worry about it, i got your solution right here!
Play the PSU demo instead of the actual games online mode!
I'll tell you why, becuse its a free trial subscription, more people actually play the demo than the online game, i mean, why pay £12 a month (constant months, thats gonna really eat up for pocket for nothing!) when more and more people everyday are playing the demo for free!
I know you dont get the full game in the demo (well you get most of the game, 3 out of 4 worlds) and you lose your character at the end of the month but really whats better, starting a fresh character or two every month or constantly paying just to keep your own chacacter going?

Play Sonic And The Secret Rings. Just Sonic and speed, the way it was supposed to be from the first game.

'Sides that, Sonic X isn't meant to be very close to the series. I don't even watch it and I know that. Sonic '06 though was okay, too many characters. Silver was a good character I thought, but I know a lot of people hate him, so they should probably just let him, Omega and Cream fade away.

The reason they have so many friggin' characters is because they NEED them to start a plot for one game. What they should do is introduce them, see fan's reaction, and just let them fade away too.

All in all, I think Sonic And The Secret Rings has got it right so far. Sonic with camos is all we really need.

I actually like Secret of the rings but your kinda on and off topic in so many ways here im gonna have to re-ride your comment!
Sonic X was actually based of the direct Sonic Series, like the Sonic movie they made sure to keep the series tied in and out of the game (expect for after episode 52 of course) but saying that you probably watched the 4Kids version and left the room in a hurry, its the JAPANESE version that tied into the game, the japanese got it right!

But yeah like you said with the characters, they shoulda quit while they were ahead, Im still up this very day not sure which game came first, Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic Rush, all I know is After Black Doom they shoulda stopped making new characteres and better establish the ones they had!
As if America didn't complicate things enough with their Archie Sonic Series!

hey that was your opinion we all have diffrent opinion

also love the pic

Maybe, but know that I have been following Sonic since the Very Beggining.
You can't trade Knowledge for Life Long Experience dude, when you grow up with something thoughout your entire life you want to ensure it suceeds, because when it starts to fail, you begin to feel faliure alongside it!

