What kills me inside is that its like cancer, there is a very slim chance of recovery from financial loss This Big!
People keep often going on Ryan Drummonds site, "Oh ryan are you going to be in the next sonic game?", "Oh ryan I can't wait for you to be the voice of sonic again!"
they just don't realise its never going to happen, the way things are going, sonics only going to continute going downhill until he hits rock bottom and Thats It! ...No more!
Sonic team of japan have a little bit more money left so if sonic ever did die out in america and the rest of the world, at least japan would have a tiny amount of money left for one final sonic game!
(God look at me, Im sounding as if Im preparing a speech to evacuate a zombie enfested city!)
But this isn't far off from the truth, in fact Sonic Team are releasing a Sonic game exclusive to japan right now called Sega Splash! Golf!
Though I admire Every Sonic fans enthusiam and commitment, the very fact is, if Sonic continues to carry on the way he is going, pretty soon there isn't going to be enough money left to cover up so many past failures, ...that'll be it, No more! The company will shut down, the staff will have to find work elsewhere, the dream will be over...!
Even now your all still in denial as Sonic's such a huge gaming icon but the very fact is, Am I wrong? Has this not hapened before with other franchises?
Mistakes can be fatal, and I worry that Sonic may not have many left to risk...
I honestly think sonic has A chance to make A comeback. almost none of his GBA and D.S games were bad most of them were good. and most of his 3-d games wernt to bad. some were good. like sonic adventure 1 and 2. and sonic heros...well it was ok anyways. games like shadow the hedgehog and sonic riders < even if they wernt to bad of games> really dragged sonic down. but if sonic starts going into gameswith mario <like the olimpic game> he may become cool aand fun again. till then we can only hope. also jason griffen scuks at voiceing sonic. I WANT RYAN DRUMMIN BACK!
I Know but your missing the point entirely!
Its not just about the few numbers of Sonic fans who love Sonic's games, I do too!
Its about the Bigger audience who don't love the games that are the problem, because Sonic's failing to reach the wider audience, the company is failing to make ends meet and pretty soon won't have any money left to throw!
The gaming world is a dominating bussiness, if your games can't appeal to as many gamers as possible, you lose out on profit, then you have huge depts to pay off and that really creates a struggle for the next game you try to release as the financial loss limits you to compete with other companies, meaning you will only continute to lose out untill you can't afford to keep the company going any longer!
Its the Cycle of Life, Dude! Money isn't infinate!